Hair of color blonde and brown for the Void Elves please

I’m the rudest person here btw, because I call out pretentious behavior when I see it.

Anyways, back to my TBC cave
/cries in shame

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So you can’t fathom a world where friends disagree?

We have to really sit here and list one by one for you? Thats ridiculous, we’re not going to jump just because you decided to make false accusations today.


I’m not actually accusing you, I’m wondering out loud. I have no proof as you yourself say, it’s mere speculation.

Just like how you and I 100% agree on Sylvanas, because friends can’t have differences in opinions.


It’s not speculation you’re flat out making false accusations.

From Fenelon / Naughty and I being one person.

To accusing me of having a stance I never had and then deciding I’ve recanted this non existent stance lol


Speculation is never accusation. I said I wonder, didn’t I?

Really, I remember him and me arguing about lots of things from Calia to Lor’themar. :joy: :joy: :joy:

You are just salty because I was going to be friends with you until I found out you was a fraud and then I wouldn’t even give you the chance because you had already lied to me.


Speculation should have some level of credibility to it. Otherwise you’re just throwing anything at a wall to see what sticks and in this case to the point of having a false accusation.


Draenei warlocks are valid, void elf paladins aren’t. They only way void elf paladins would even be possible lorewise would be if they finally introduced class skins and changed the paladin spells from light to void for them.

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Even by saying “should” you are taking a speculative approach.

Speculative reason does not have to depend on judgement (which is what accuses). The faculty of judgement is different from the speculative.

So no, I wasn’t accusing you because I didn’t say: This is true! Or, you are three people!

By the way:

“If two people think the same about everything, I can assure that one of them is thinking for both” Sigmund Freud.

To be fair it probably would have been the same end result, you uphold the argument in good faith and recognize others that do on both sides.

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I haven’t done that with anyone on forums, I really should because there’s quite a few people that I have become friends with on the forums on both sides. :blush: :blush: :blush:

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What are you even talking about?


I’m sure you remember you was trying to sell me on your Druid that you was new to this topic but you wasn’t, Lann called you out, linked a bunch of stuff you had said way, way back and up until that point you and I had chatted somewhat civically but not after that and then you had such a problem with me because I wasn’t so nice anymore to you.

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I was not telling you anything, you literally threw a tantrum just because I called you out on your dramatic shift of opinion that was made over like 5 mins.

Everyone is quite aware of my druid, and this alt as well.

I think pretending to “not know” what the convo is about was part of their own way of forming arguments in the threads. I find it questionable but to each their own.

And other mage, and hunter but okay just list two.

People are aware of my alts as well as they’ll be named after House Lannister.


Except I wasn’t pretending?

Have fun continuing to lie though.

You literally hide your post history like a coward, stop talking.

I think you do too, though, right?

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It wasn’t over 5 minutes, anyone can see my post history and see when my opinions on this topic changed and why so.

Says the person telling lies, literally. :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

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