Hair of color blonde and brown for the Void Elves please

This is why I instantly came to your defense above because you’ve never done or said what he said you’ve done or said.

Plus you’re one of my besties. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


I’ve never backtracked on my position, you’re just making false accusations, I’d ask you to stop but idc its easily proved and backed up by other regulars in these threads who know my stances.


I know you have an entourage of yes people. But saying that you don’t deal in hypotheticals is a grandiose way of not wanting to state the position you don’t want to state, yet claim to have.

Obviously, now Fenelon will come play the neutral party, pretend to think about it, and then say, “you know what? Lannisterian is right”.


sidelines with more “mah visual distinction” comments without answering the question

I feel like there should be a drinking game where every time Lann mentions his visual distinction as a means to justify his intolerance, you take a shot.

Pretty sure everyone here would die, unless there’s a dwarf somewhere among us…


Right? Now naugthymoon will come and accuse you of the same thing they are doing right now.

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All I literally said originally was that he was talking about hair colors not skintones because that’s what 90-95% of Lann’s posts are, the mess you are in and the hole you have dug yourself is on you, not me or Fen.

I wonder if it’s the same person paying three different accounts. Wait for Fenelon’s arbitering soon.

And there you go with the wild accusations, is this really the hill you want to die on? Because we were getting along so well yesterday.


With you yeah, but I tried apologizing to Fenelon and all I asked in return was a teeny, tiny acknowledgement that he did not want to take away skin colors. What does he do? He weasels out, presumably because wants to be able to go pack to that position later.

I wonder if other people have ever though the same thing, though. Do you always come to agree with him so he can say other regulars agree with him?


It’s literally so wild to me the things being said. I’ve always been happy for what has been done currently in game as is but taken issue with more being done to BE fans detriment.

It’s not even worth like acknowledging the accusations are so wild and false.

The way I’ll literally be screaming if u ever make a disc

I’m actually surprised I’ve never run into you in game on Proudmoore :sob: I used to be Horde there lol


Eh, I manage to mostly ignore his obvious persistent cheerleaders, it’s always the same people.

Also hello fellow ED-er!


You are totally right Zucc! The righest person in the world! You’ve never been wrong.

You can trust me. I’m an independent observer.

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No, that’s like a literal no, Lann and me don’t always agree so I don’t always come and agree with him it tends to depend on the subject, for example above when you was accusing him of saying and doing stuff he hasn’t I said he didn’t because he hasn’t and what did you do in turn you got mad at me because I defended him, if we became friends on here and someone did that to you, I’d do the same for you but I’m starting to think we aren’t going to be so.


Yeah it’s kind of sad I’ve never seen anyone from forums in game, not even once and that’s weird. Lol. :yum: :yum: :yum:

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This is a flat out lie.

Pretty sure that’s a good thing imo.

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I also think that is a lie, but since they keep their posts hidden, I can’t prove it.

So I’ll just say" If indeed what I am saying is wrong, I am sorry.

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I’ve seen one or two from the forums before, not counting those I’ve exchanged btags with.

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I don’t think you were around when I supported the HE community but its so wild to see them act like I never did, because the idea of me not supporting them further to BE fans detriment is just like too much for them.

It does make me have like in hindsight though especially given their behavior and attitudes on and off the forums, but yeah my stance has always been Pro BE but I don’t think I saw how much of a detriment HE options on Alliance / that community specifically were to BE fans etc. It’s hard to say if knowing what I know now would I still have supported them in the past? Idk probably not, maybe a Half Elf option for sure though would garner my support.


What are you referring to?

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To the (possible) fact that she has never disagreed with you. I’ve never seen it happen, but I can’t say that it never has.