Hair of color blonde and brown for the Void Elves please

Of course.

I don’t tell people not to make their requests. I cannot control what people want.

I do often reiterate my personal opinion on the matter, that I want to focus on the Void aspect of Void Elves and not the high elf ones.

I do not do so to tell others not to make their requests.

I also understand the desire by Pro-Blood Elf folk to retain their unique qualities. For some people that matters.

While this is true, its not really that for most of them. Its the loss of their unique identity.

I am much less in this camp than I have probably seemed the last few… years. But I do love my Blood Elves and on some levels I can very much understand it especially given how shafted they were on customizations.

Couple that with seeing an AR on the other faction be given almost all of what you were given? I can see people being kinda unhappy about that.

Like I said above that matters a lot to some people.

If its such a small piece of a character it shouldn’t be that big a deal to either side.

In reality hair color and style can and often is a big deal. Its one of many prime ways we will attempt to discern ourselves from one another. People make big bold statements with their hair, or sometimes they make reserved and no-nonsense ones.

Hair and hair color I would say is very important. Even when its pixels.

I’ve made that argument before. As I am a big fan of the lore and storylines I have always seen the reasons why people want to play a high elf who remained on the Alliance.

That said I don’t want those stories to erase or hinder Void Elves. They’re a new race, with little behind them so far yet they have such potential.

Quite literally, many doors are now open to us.

Thats not to say that I think Helf-pros should stop seeking what they want to.

Nor do I think Belf-pros should stop seeking what they want as well.

They were a significant portion of the Alliances attacks on Zandalar. It seems to me these days they’re more interested in serving the Alliance than making many inroads to their kin.

I don’t know. Like I said, I’d prefer the recruitment and the other high elven groups to join the Void Elves more than I would want to see the Void Elves become subservient to another.

What would have been the point of Void Elves at all if they go down that path?

Blizzard said in an interview about them that they were researching the trap I believe. Its also not hard to imagine that Umbric and his group who were studying the Void before we arrived would have some ideas either way.

Again it took awhile for Alleria.

If they want to refine her process sure, it really doesn’t matter, but it should be a lot quicker.

And one of the main goals (as I laid it out) would be to show that any new void elves are in fact Void elves, as well as showing that the options available are Void options even if they look like High Elves to some degree.

Yes to the first, less so to the second bit.

Just saying you were the first of them intrinsically means that those types will die out eventually.

I’d personally like to avoid that.

Both would be good and it would be a logical direction to expand them. A few Void Elves joining the Silver Covenant is as good as them joining the 7th Legion and adds more story potential. Potentially adding a long term presence and a way to increase their ranks/utilize their knowledge.

Or we could remember that Alleria left an entire army on Outland and let them do something…

Ideally they would do both. Void Elves start joining the Silver Covenant and Silver Covenant members start taking an interest. (Also I am not talking every Void Elf joining a specific group)

But given WoW lore exist in a serialized continuum like a comic book where nothing happens unless it is shown or stated I don’t think we can hope for anything too nuanced.

Also, their leaders are sisters and are on the same faction. Cross pollination makes sense.

Void Stuff? <_<

Part of me believes that is because she started as a Hunter who had no Void knowledge and lacked resources. But that is just speculation.

Well you can have both options without interfering with the other. It just gives the players options.

More and varied void options would defiantly add to that concept though. Like being normal except for having Void Eyes or different types of Void Hair. Or something like Void Scars.

Makes sense.

An alternate is that you could take Alleria’s path then delve deeper for a full on VE option as well. The lore is ill-defined enough that it can be flexible.

Capital punishment right there.


It’s funny how the blue black hair color has always been there yet they supposedly don’t have black it’s like really? Lol.

You and others can’t say this enough because really she’s so out of place being the so called Void Elf leader when she looks like a wannabe Blood Elf or Blood Elf lite. :joy: :joy: :joy:

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From what I can tell that group from Allerian Hold has seemingly dispersed.

Some of which joined the scryers and some returned to Quel’thalas.

I would assume a few remained Alliance as well.

I doubt there is much of a large group left though.

Oh, well that I can get behind a bit better.

I don’t see why they wouldn’t possibly do so.

I just mean if they abandon void aesthetics in lieu of high elf ones…

It would be a waste in my opinion.

I’m… Gonna link my post. Cause I haven’t in awhile and it’s an already made list.

(as I’ve had to point out not everything in it is meant to be likely)


I like mine a little more cause it’s still fairly open and immediate. No further work is needed to explain any of the options.

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Given that Blood Elves are one of the most popular races in wow, utterly and completely destroying Blood Elves’ uniqueness to appease the small minority that play Void Elves would result in a much larger number of players being made unhappy verses the tiny vocal minority that can’t take no for an answer.

I find it sad to refuse to take no for an answer, since hair is such a MASSIVE piece of what makes Blood Elves unique. Two identical characters on different factions are identical.

Keep Blood Elves Unique!


Sure, make Void Elves look like Blood Elves because sure, racial identity means nothing.

If I can suggest, if you want to play a blonde or brown haired elf, play a Blood Elf.


Would deff love a blonde to go with for my Velf main, if not i at least hope they give us black and a pure white.


I use a human avatar for my alliance helf. I don’t need a special avatar because I’m not imagination deficient.


I think a pure unnatural white kind of like the Nightborne white and not the BE silvery/grey blonde would be ok. Besides that I think more customization for all races is good. BUT it should be in a way that is unique for that race and the themes around them.

Some HE are definitely still light worshippers. Even if they are Alliance aligned. VE were an attempt to appease the HE obsessed on the Alliance but the reality is that High Elves are mostly on the Horde. Get used to it. Like the terrible lore around VE is honestly at the crux of so much of this continued argument. Would the Silver Covenant even welcome Void Elves? The stigma against the Void comes from well before BFA. Like what does Veressa actually think? One sister aligned with Death the other eating Void Na’aru’s essences.

Don’t get me wrong, this toon was a VE in BFA and I love their racial armor, the aesthetic and the lore around the Void. Ultimately if Blizz could dedicate some actual lore to its races and Allied races I think there would be more understanding around certain decisions.


I’m sorry I replaced the civility of the horde saying:

with some nonsense! It was obviously me who ruined the civility!

Unless… I was replying to something the horde said in the same tone the said it in. I’m so uncivil when I act like the horde!

You are so consistent for ignoring her and scolding me by the way despite that we said the same thing. Good for you!


By the way, if the blood elves want to look more unique they can just copy the culture of the rest of the horde! Why do they not do bone piercings, since that is a cultural staple of their new friends, the trolls and orcs!

I mean, who would want to take away customization that already exist instead of wanting new ones!

Right now most blood elves choose to look like generic LOTR elves, when they could be this brand new thing that looks like it fits in the horde!

For the same reason, they should stop dressing like elves did when they cooperated with humans all those centuries. They should wear loincloths to really show their love of horde culture.


Another generic “turn void elves into high elves” thread.

Maybe yall shouldn’t play void elves if you don’t like void elves. Seems like yall hate void elves. Weird to play them.


She has void elf blond hair currently. I dont see anything wrong with her model. The other void 3kves should be updated to reflect her.

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Oh, some people are just salty about the natural skin colors we void elves already have. Those people are the worst, according to some.


Sounds like some people also salty about the natural things void elves don’t have.

Void elves aren’t natural.


We’re supernatural.

But yeah, some people just complain and complain about natural skin colors all day. I mean the skin colors we have are what the game gave us. Why hate the game you claim to love?

Blizzard says void elves have natural skin tones. Why complain and complain?


I cant remember who told me that void elves already have black colored hair or hair that looks black so I can’t tag them, as I said I would be back after playing with character creation!

Female void elves do not have black colored hair or any hair remotely like black. They have teals, blues, purple and pink. But not black hair. While it might be good for some to pick the teal colored hair and stand under the right light to have it look like black, thats not a solution for me.

Bright white hair with black tentacles like hair streaks would actually be pretty cool though!


I remember that. Back then the discussion was civil… Too bad some came and ruined it by saying:

Imagine making fun of other players, and then claiming you only made fun of NPCs, and then being quoted on it.


I’m sorry you can’t handle me saying you have blue black hair color option when you do and you take it as a personal attack but clearly considering I wasn’t the one called out by name, you was, I’m not the problem here, you are.

Imagine that two alliance players were having a discussion on hair colors, and then you made fun of them, and then someone made fun of you, so you played the victim.

It would be really cool if you left them to their peaceful conversation about void elf black hair…