Hair of color blonde and brown for the Void Elves please

It would be really cool if you wasn’t as ignorant as you are about well everything but here we are.

Anyway, the last thing people were peacefully saying before someone came and ruined the civility was something about capital offense.

Does anybody remember?

I didn’t ruin anything, what part of that do you not understand. I am allowed to reply to Lann or anyone else, if you don’t like what I have to say don’t read it or like I said yesterday don’t reply to me or quote me or whatever so I don’t have to pay attention to you. Stop acting like you are this innocent victim when anyone can go back and read what you have said over the last two days and see you aren’t a very nice person at all.

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You keep telling me the things you want to tell yourself. It’s not healthy you know?


How am I wrong, when others have called you out by name? I mean honestly? What is your issue dude? Besides that you are spiteful and jealous that we have the customization options you want.

:hugs: He’s been putting out the bait hoping for a bite.


A wise person once said:

if you don’t like what I have to say don’t read it or like I said yesterday don’t reply to me or quote me or whatever so I don’t have to pay attention to you.

You should listen to her.


You literally quoted me tonight, which is why I started typing you so. Lol.

I’ve been told there is a mute button for when you don’t like what someone says. You can use it.


Stop quoting me and replying to me and I won’t even talk to you, it’s as simple as that. What part of that do you not understand? That means 100% no adding any type of reply or quotes of mine. Zero.

Yes, stop replying to me and I won’t even talk to you, it’s as simple as that. What part do you not understand?


Good I’m glad we finally cleared that up, do not do another quote of how bad I am like you did above.

Is there anything in the terms about not quoting people?

When you say you don’t want me to reply to you when you are trying to make up drama or lies, yes.

Could you point me to the part where it says that?

If you don’t want me to talk to you, why would you quote me? I mean honestly unless you like starting stuff then acting like you are the innocent bystander when I come at you.

Because if you write publicly you can be quoted. That’s how it works.

Good then don’t think I’ll just let it slide when you are trying to lie about me, simple as that, you can’t have it both ways.

they have a very appropriate unnatural void black and i imagine they didnt share hair colors in the great swap because its the only thing differentiating and creating distance between the 2 races now

a natural white/black hair color with natural skin tones would ruin the void aesthetic and be for all intents and purposes a plain old blood elf. so looking at this from a holistic view of the game like blizzard does, why the hell would we turn void elves into blood elves when you can just suck it up and play the horde and we can make void elves creepy and unique. you can keep shouting on as many alts as you want but you cant pretend the option of what you want isnt already playable without looking dishonest


When you’re right, you’re right! You can’t have it both ways.