[H/A] <Whisper> (5/8H) is recruiting heals for casual AOTC raiding and community! (LGBTQ+ friendly)

Hi friends! Whisper is looking for folks to come hang, do shenanigans and kill bosses!

Who We Are

Whisper provides a non-toxic, stress free, non-judgmental gaming environment for our fellow WoW players in order to help one another improve our skills, kill bosses, and get loot while having fun. We are a guild of friends, raiders, and dungeon runners working to build our brand of dungeons, raiding, and social events on the Wyrmrest Accord server and are looking for new, old, and returning players to join us.

Our top priority is to create an incredible guild environment for all members, in both casual and serious progression. We are LGBQT+ friendly, and we pride ourselves in creating a safe place for everyone to play the game regardless of gender, sexual orientation. Our raid team is a mixture of excellent players working towards semi-casual heroic progression without compromising our core values. Our guild community and friendly, supportive raid atmosphere are very valuable to us, and it’s important that you share them to ensure a good fit.


Whisper runs multiple raid teams. Our schedule is below, but for more information on what we ask of people wishing to join us check out our discord, website, or ask an officer!

  • Our progression AOTC team raids Thursday & Friday 5:00-8:00pm server (Pacific)
  • Our semi-casual raid team raids Wednesday 5:30-8:30pm server (Pacific)

Our Raid and Mythic+ environment is very laid back, friendly, knowledgeable and stress free. We work hard to create a non-toxic, non-elitest vibe and pride ourselves in creating a safe place for everyone to play the game regardless of who you are.

Roster Needs:

  • Progression: Heals
  • Semi-casual: DPS

We’re actively looking for folks for Whisper’s casual team who enjoy flexing roles/classes/specs.

For questions about raiding, contact:

  • Progression: exsomet (discord) or Kalunaa (in game on Wyrmrest Accord)
  • Semi-casual: the_vianki (discord) or Vixenytli / Heimdali (in game on Wyrmrest Accord)


We like running keys, teaching, and helping our members grow. If you’d like to get into Mythic+ or just have an easier place to find groups, find us via the Guild Finder and let us know about it!


We’re always open to casual and social members. Find us via the Guild Finder and apply to join. Let us know where you saw the post!


You can learn more or have any questions answered about us by visiting our site or contacting an officer below.


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Killin’ it Casually (the casual raid) is grouping up wednesday evenings before the raid comes out to level and hang out. You don’t have to wait to come say hi!

It’s a busy week, but we’ve always got room for more friends if you’re looking for a guild home!

Our progression roster needs a warlock, of any flavor! If you’re interested and want to learn more, reach out to an officer!

Can I dispense healthstones and AFK all raid?

Also anyone that parses worse than me has to sacrifice themselves to summon my Doomguard.

We regularly sacrifice our demon hunter so I think that works

Hi! I am not sure if i will be returning to progression raiding this season, as i have been on break from WoW since early in SL but i have plenty of progression raid experience and am currently without a guild. I would very much be open to joining and seeing where the season takes me, if that is agreeable. I’m a demo lock main currently 355 but should easily be 365 by reset if i can get a few more M0s run between now and reset.

Hey wait a second–!

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Hey hey! We’d be happy to have you in the guild if you look us up in the guild finder. Once you’ve got a better idea if you’re going to chase progression, that’s an easy conversation to have. :slight_smile:

Shhh, it’s ok. I’ll buy you dinner first.

Come chill out with a good group of people who will revel in your dark magics! <3

Gief cookie pls

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Still need a purple wizard! We’re also open to Alliance players for progression raiding!

I’m a growing dragon, and I still don’t have my cookie. Gief cookie pls.

Silly gecko, we’re keeping you on a strict diet of beams. So you grow big and strong.

Are you a fan of puns? We have professional dad jokers in this guild. I recommend it.

Group 1 is now looking for a dedicated healer! Flexibility is great of course, but heals is the deal. Are you a fun, community driven healer that wants to raid with some likeminded people? We want you.

Still looking for a healer!

8/8N and 4/8H after this week!

Come join this fun, successful raid group! We’re looking for a DK DPS as well!