[H/A] <Whisper> (5/8H) is recruiting heals for casual AOTC raiding and community! (LGBTQ+ friendly)

Always open to new friends!

Whisper’s “Casual” group, Killing it Casually is now at 5/8 Heroic!!! On to progging Dathea.

KiC is close to a Heroic Raz kill and we’re gearing up for 10.1 progression raiding.

New friends are always welcome!

Congratulations to our alternate group for completing our second guild AOTC!

New season, new kills for both teams! If you’re looking for casual raiding on Wednesdays, we can always bring more friends!

We’re looking for a Demon Hunter DPS for progression raiding on Thur/Fri! If you’re looking for a spot, check out our post above for more info!

a;slkdf KShhhhh Static … Silence… /radio tunes in sounds/ …

ppft pfft thup — “this thing on?.. helllloooo?”

Oh! Hey! It’s working! dang gnome technology, never thought I’d miss goblins… Well ANYWAY…

Killin’ it Casually is picking back up this tier with a bit more vim and vinegar! If you’ve got a character that’s (as of this posting) ilvl 410 and want to go take down a horrendeous MOLE MURDERER come join us wednesdays at 5pm PST. Currently 3/9 normal and looking to pick up speed.

We’re looking for DPS, especially in the Mage variety. Warlocks, DK’s and Druids also particularly welcome, though the invite does extend to one and all. (Except the gnoll that stole my candle. That was MY candle, dammit. It had nothing to do with your cult and was EXPENSIVE. Do you know how hard it is to get bergamot in undercity? UGH.)

kssk sheeeerreeeeep booop.

/thudding noises/

Still looking for a DH for raiding!

Hard pass on this one

7/8H, and 15% away from 8/9H now!

We’re also setting up non-raid events such as key nights and social/achievement runs. Whether your focus is keys, raids, socializing, or anything else, if you’re looking for a group, we’re happy to chat!

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Community raids are still happening, and we’re always open to new friends. If you’re looking for a home, look us up on the guild finder!

Still looking for friends!

AOTC get!

Also, we’re keeping our eyes open for DPS for progression raiding - if you’re looking, get in touch!

KiC is allllmost to AOTC as well! 8/9 Heroic. We’re still open to DPS and often a bit light on healers. Come on in!

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Always open to new friends! Message anyone online or apply in game via the guild finder to join!

Hi friends! We’re starting to think about 10.2, and we’ll have some DPS spots open. Reach out if you’re looking for a place to raid!

Hello! I have applied through the guild finder. :slight_smile:

Awesome - invite sent!

Look me up in game or on discord when you’re ready to chat about raiding! :slight_smile:

10.2 is on the horizon soon, and we’ve got space for DPS for anyone looking to raid!

Up we go - still recruiting new friends!