[H]&[A] <Synchronicity>Recruiting Older Players

Weekend bump up

Sending us up to the top

Refreshing us up to the top.

Hey there!

I am, in fact, an older player looking for a new home for some of my characters. Started playing in 2007 : I leveled a Balance Druid in BC (the character I’m posting on - no, I don’t know what I was thinking, and yes, the character is 16 years old ), then switched to resto and ran as a healer for a progression raiding guild though Wrath. Burned out a bit from raiding, I went casual and leveled through Cata but quit playing in 2011. After oh, 10 years, I came back to the game in 2021 and have been playing casually since (and went back to balance! :smiley: )

My former guild is no longer active and I miss having a “game” family. There is only so much you can do solo. You guys sound like you might be a good fit - though I’m not sure how the cross-faction piece works. Would you mind a couple of old-enough to drive Alliance characters in the ranks if I transferred them over (none of my characters are on Wyrmrest)?

Hello, haven’t really played in ages and just started playing classic, if your taking on total noobs I would really like to join. Thanks

Hello, I’m old and would like to join if you’re still recruiting. Just started back up after taking a long break.

We welcome all levels. If you wanted to make a new character in our guild to see if we are a good fit for you befire you pay for your tranfser thats fine. Also if you dont want to pay to transfer we have a community now. Your alliance character can join and talk to people cross faction. I personally prefer being in a guild over a community as you stated you become a game family. We do offer all those options for what ever your pick.

You can find our guild on Wrymrest in the guild finder if you can not find anyone on in game to add you at the time you are playing.

We are always open to new faces joining us.

Ok - I made a couple of alts on Wyrmrest (one Horde, one Alliance) so I’ll see if I can find someone in-game :slight_smile:

Sending us back up to the top.

Bump up to the top

Hi I am just returning to the game and like the sound of your guild. What classes are you guys looking for?

Heya. We always beleive that you should play what you love the most. You pay to play so you shoulf always be enjoying the game!!

Sunday Bump up to the top.

Midweek bump up!!!

Bumping us up.

Happy Monday!! Always looking for more like minded people to join us.

Attention, grizzled veterans of Azeroth!

Are you tired of being surrounded by youngsters who think they can out-dps you with their fancy newfangled rotations? Do you miss the days when raiding wasn’t about speed runs and min-maxing, but about wiping repeatedly on the same boss until you finally managed to down it?

If so, then our guild is the perfect place for you!

We’re a group of mature players who are looking for others who enjoy the game for what it is: a way to procrastinate on adulting. We don’t care if you’re not the most skilled player in the world, as long as you’re willing to blame the healer for your deaths.

We raid on a casual schedule, so you don’t have to worry about dedicating your entire life to the game. We like sitting on the guild porch and talk about things, such as complaining about how the game used to be better back in our day.

So if you’re looking for a guild where you can relax, have fun, and reminisce about the good old days, then look no further! Join us today and experience the joy of World of Warcraft the way it was meant to be played… by old people.

P.S. If you’re still using a dial-up connection, we’ll be happy to wait for you. Just don’t expect us to start raiding until you’ve finally connected.

Monday bump.