[H]&[A] <Synchronicity>Recruiting Older Players

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Friday Bump

Mid-S2 bump! If you are still looking for a chill group of folks doing M+ and raiding, check us out!

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Hello all, another mid-season bump. If you are an older playing looking for a group of older folks to play with, look no further. Our emphasis is on PVE content including mythic keys and raids.

Our raid team continues to look for new members. We always are looking for DPS but there are opportunities for healing and tanking as well. While we do have ambitions for heroic difficulty, our emphasis is mainly on the normal raid. The advantage of this is it keeps the mood light and fun and is very alt friendly.

We are currently raiding Wednesday and Friday nights at 8:30 PM (EST). We raid for 2 - 2.5 hours a night.

Always looking for more like minded people to join us. In between the raid days enjoy running Mythic+ as well. Come and check us out.

Bumpage! Looking for a few more to join our nice group of folks.

We are always looking for more. Can ask questions here or in game. Can be added by the in game guild finder as well!!

Bumping! Fresh week, looking for more good souls.

Looking for all classes. Horde or Alliance. Come and hang out with us!!

Fresh week is approaching looking for more casual dungeoners/raiders and older players.

We now have a community link at the top if you are on a different realm. Or want to ask any questions before you want to join our guild.

Sending us up up up

Bumping for a fresh week.

Reset day bump to the top

Always keeping an eye out for more people needing a place to call their wow home.

Bump up to the top.