[H/A] <Hand of Salvation> AOTC Guild 8/8H NP 8/8N 1/8H LoU 9PM-11:30PM EST Recruiting

We are still looking for quality people, check out our other post in the recruitment forums as well. It may have other information that appeals to you!

[H-Thrall] AotC guild (8/8H) T/Th 9-11:30pm EST - Recruitment / Guild Recruitment - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

10.1 is almost here! We’d love to get some new faces into the group and tackle Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible!

If you’d like more information, please feel free to reach-out to any of the members listed! Everyone is incredibly friendly and more than willing to answer any questions you may have.

Come run some keys and shoot the breeze!

We are still looking for active, fun and eager folks to tackle the new content in 10.1 with. About a week away from the new M+ season and everyone is excited to get going on those new dungeons!
Shoot one of us a message about joining up!

Check us out and see if we fit! Would love more people to run mythic + with!

We are two days away from 10.1 and the new raid next week. Get Excited!

Hand of Salvation is looking to get back in and reach its goal of AOTC Abberus. We have 8 spots open for the taking. Take a look above at what we prefer to have take the final slots on our team. There is always opportunity for someone to drop off due to RL situations if you prefer to come on a class not listed.


We have players at the ready to do other kinds of content like mythic + in the meantime. If raiding isn’t your thing but need people to do keys with we got willing players on off nights. Just ask, set up a day and time and knock them out.

10.1 in full swing and we are out here getting ready for next week! Looking to casually fill up our last slots with some specific classes above and maybe some people that want to do mythic +. Any content really. So hit us up and let us be your new home for 10.1 and beyond.

Tomorrow is Day 1in Aberrus! HoS is prepared and ready to take on the challenge to be AOTC!

We still looking looking for players to join us in downing Aberrus, as well as, maybe bring their alts for some mythic + key runs.

If you need a home look no further hit me up and lets take out some bosses together!

Downed 7/9N tonight! woohoo! Looking forward to Thursday to down some heroic! Still looking for players that want to achieve AOTC! Please check out what we need above. Hope everyone who raided had a great night and enjoying the spoils.

Looking to push for more kills tonight! Let’s see what happens. Still recruiting players that need a home for season 2. Lets get these kills together!

So i wasn’t able to join my team this past week due to some unfortunate circumstances but we got some more kills on heroic! 4/9H! Still recruiting for those missing classes above.
Hope everyone has a nice weekend! Hit us up!

We are still on the lookout for capable players that are willing to raid and do some mythics on off-nights. Contact us if interested!

Back at it again. Still looking for those looking to have AOTC under their belt for this teir.
We are currently working on Echo Heroic this week and hopefully get to H Sarkareth.

We got H Echo on Tuesday, next up is H Sarkareth and AotC! Still looking for a few folks for reclears and to build on for the next tier. Please don’t hesitate to contact us!

15% on H Sarkareth!!! Best attempt yet. Next week it will go down for sure and AOTC will be achieved! Looking to find players that want to achieve their AOTC, reclear, and build up for the next adventure. Also looking to have players to Mythic + keys and other activities. Looking for awesome heals and bick dig deeps! =D

Last night we knocked all of last week’s progression and Thursday will be an all day H Sarkareth affair. We got him down to 15%. Who wants to come and help push the last 15% and obtain AOTC! Hit us up!

Well AOTC has been achieved and now its time to relax and run some alts thru and do other things while we wait for more content.

If your looking to get your AOTC come thru. Want to bring your alts thru also they are more than welcome. We have enough to field raid every week.

Interested even if you’re done with AOTC until next tier, discord me please neozz1

10.2 is on the way and we are kicking back up recruiting efforts to get us ready for the dream!

If you need a home for 10.2 and want to achieve AOTC hit us up!

Searching for returning or current players in need of an AOTC guild check us out!