[H/A] <Hand of Salvation> AOTC Guild 8/8H NP 8/8N 1/8H LoU 9PM-11:30PM EST Recruiting

Added on b-net for interest


Got our 6/8 progression in 1 night! Very exciting stuff. Looking forward to seeing the next 2 bosses and maybe some heroic! Still recruiting that cloth dps!

Woohoo! We got 2 kills tonight! Still looking cloth deeeps! Mages where you at?!?!?! 8 bosses to kill next week and work on some Raszegath! Be there! Have a Merry Christmas Everyone!

Hope everyone on Thrall had a Merry Christmas!

Tomorrow its back at it in Vault. Still looking for mages!

Raz is down!!! Normal is now complete. Time to push heroic! Looking to re-clear our normal progression fast and get some more time on heroic.
Looking for some classes to round out the team. Would like some rogues to come thru and join us. Hope everyone had a great week.

Primal Council is down!!! Time to work on Terros whom we got to 20% on the last pull of the night. Definitely getting that Thursday and push to Sennarth and Dathea. Looking for some rogues and mages to flesh out the group!

What a week. Came in and and 1 shot Terros! 2 shot Sennarth and tried our best all night on Dathea! We shall get her hopefully next week with more loot and more firepower at our backs. Looking for rogues and other classes to flesh out our roster. Have a night weekend everyone!

Hello Thrall Happy New Year and new week. Downed 8/8N and 4/8H tonight. All bosses from last week downed in 1 night! Time to progress Dathea, push to Grimtotem and Brood. Maybe some Raz?!?! Lets see what Thursday brings. Still recruiting and looking for cool people to join us on our journey to AOTC and maybe some mythic. Need some rogues, dps dk, and some mages! Where you guys at?

2 bosses downed and Brood phase 2 reached. Progression Night was a success!

Next week we will do the normal skip and push heroic and reach Heroic Brood and Raz! We are close to achieving AoTC!

Still recruiting looking for rogues x2, dps dk x1, mages x2. If your out there and want to join us on our push to AOTC, what you waiting for? Come thru!

Have a night weekend peeps!

Hope everyone had a good start to the raid week.
Thursday we got H Dathea, H Brood and then take some shots at H Raz.
Maybe take a shot at Mythic Eranog.

We are 2 bosses from AOTC!

Looking for Rogues and Mages to fill out the team.

Brood is down!!! 1 boss away from AoTC!

Wow what a patch day. Lots of disconnects but luckily for us we got back to brood. Thursday should be looking good for maybe 1 boss in mythic, brood and some more attempts at Heroic Raz.

Looking for a Holy Paladin and some mages at this point. Looking to hopefully get close to achieving Ahead of the Curve. Check us out and see if we fit!

Well it’s been a while Thrall. Let’s get you an update.

Tonight we got Mythic Eranog! HoS is now 1/8 Mythic!
And we pushed further on Heroic Raz! Got to the 2 adds and kept struggling there but a good night nonetheless!

Looking for more players that want to assist in getting AOTC and be considered for some mythic progress!

Need Mages, Shadow Priests, and a dps Death Knight.

What time / nights are raid and server?

Tuesdays/Thursday from 9pm-12am Eastern and server time.

Happy Tuesday Everyone and its update time!

The HoS are now 8/8H and AHEAD OF THE CURVE!!! WOOHOOO!!! :fire: :fire: :fire:and with 1/8M on our belt too.

Took the victory lap by calling early. A job well done all around. Thursday we will go into Mythic!
We do have 1 spot open for the mythic team and we are looking to fill it with a mage as they seem to be non-existent but hopefully you are out there :blush: .

If you are looking to get your AOTC achievement and a guild to call home come thru as we will be helping those who decided to go out with the wifeys for V-Day!

Been a while Thrall so lets update ya!

UPDATE: New Raid times 9:00PM-11:30PM EST

Also looking for more players as we lost some due to RL changes and newfound above average expectations. So if you have not gotten AOTC or looking to next raid tier for a guild that will achieve AOTC, we are here to keep it going. Okay with some causal mythic boss kills for ez loot? We will look to continue achieving that as well.

Come give us a try! We have a lot of friendly folks. We have a very good raid leader, which can be hard to fine. We try to be efficient with our time.

Would also love to get some more people that are interested in mythic plus. I really enjoy running them, whether it’s low ones on alts (I have so many) or trying to get a 20.

Like I said, we are friendly people… come try us!

So I forgot to mention that we got Mythic Primal Council down x.x! Terrible updater. <===

Gain some new recruits and did an alt run for fun. Always looking for players that need an active guild doing AOTC runs/casual mythic ez boss loot and some mythic + fun. But that’s a wrap for the week! Have a nice weekend everyone!

P.S. I also approve Ruoki’s message :+1:

Hey everyone, new patch new stuff to do.

I’ve been away due to some medical reasons but the recruiter is back to keep us going.

Looking to bolster our roster with people that want to experience VotI before the next patch. As well as looking for players who are looking forward to pushing the next raid in 10.1.

If your looking to get away from pugging then join a guild like us! Come thru. Wanna try different classes along the way? Come thru. Not crazy about mythic and your okay with AOTC then we are here for that too. Get your AOTC before 10.1 with a guild that has done it.

Looking forward to gaining some new players and grow our guild further into future content.