[H/A] <Hand of Salvation> AOTC Guild 8/8H NP 8/8N 1/8H LoU 9PM-11:30PM EST Recruiting


My name is Tankstâ and I am the guild recruiter for the Hand of Salvation.


Hand of Salvation is actively recruiting players for the Liberation of Undermine Raid!

Our primary goal is to achieve [Ahead of the Curve] in every raid tier. If you’re searching for a welcoming community to call home and want to obtain AOTC with a dedicated group, we invite you to embark on this adventure with us.

Additionally, Hand of Salvation boasts a group of enthusiastic players ready to tackle Mythic+ keys. Gather a team from our crew and push your limits together as a guild!

***We are proud to announce that Hand of Salvation is now [Ahead of the Curve] for Nerub’ar Palace!

Our War Within record:
***11/19/24- Nerub'ar Palace [Ahead of the Curve] Achieved!

Our Dragonflight record:
***2/14/23- Vault of the Incarnates [Ahead of the Curve] Achieved!
***6/15/23- Abberus, The Shattered Crucible [Ahead of the Curve] Achieved!
***12/14/23- Amirdrassil, The Dream’s Hope [Ahead of the Curve] Achieved!

About Us

Established in 2007 as Salvation, Hand of Salvation was originally a Horde raiding guild on US-Cenarion Circle. Since 2022, we have relocated and are now active as a Horde raiding guild on US-Thrall. We aim to continue establishing our presence on this server, make new friends, defeat bosses, and explore future content together. Our guild has a mature community, with many members balancing careers, relationships, and family life. Most members are active in the evenings, typically from 8 PM until late night EST.

Raiding Schedule

Our current raiding schedule is:
Tuesday- 9PM - 11:30PM EST
Thursday- 9PM - 11:30PM EST

Raid Roster

Roles needed:

Tanks: Closed for now.

DPS: Demon Hunter x1, Rogue x1, WW Monk x1, DPS Death Knight x1, Mage x2, Hunter x1, Feral or Boomkin Druid x1

Flex DPS/Tank: (can dps but tank if called upon): Feral Druid x1 or Death Knight x1 or WW Monk x1

Flex DPS/Healer (can dps but heal if called upon): Preservation Evoker x1

But most importantly:

Welcome like-minded individuals who want to continue participating in raiding after achieving AOTC. Whether in the form of alt runs, seasonal TW raids, or maybe dabble in Mythic if there is interest. We're looking to add more players who are humble and open to learning together. If you think you're the best and never make mistakes, this guild might not be the right fit for you.

***Exceptional applicants can feel free to sign up even if we aren't recruiting your class/spec. Outstanding applications will always be considered.

Our Simple Raiding Requirements for The War Within

1. You must be able to raid Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9pm-11:30pm.
    Raid invites go out 15 minutes before the start time. If you are unable to attend, please notify the raid leader or an officer in advance via in-game mail, Discord, or Battletag whisper. Additionally, update your status on the calendar invite in the #raidchat channel on Discord.
2. Come prepared with the knowledge of your class/spec/talent choices, current content raid bosses and mechanics.
    Be able to perform decently with your chosen class, spec, and talent choices. We won't tell you how to play your class or spec, but if your performance is noticeably lacking on a per-fight basis, it will be addressed. We log our fights for your review and will post boss fight videos when they become available to help everyone familiarize themselves with the current raid content.
3. Have Discord installed and a working microphone to communicate.
    We use Discord as our primary form of communication. Please have it installed so you can at least listen in. A working microphone is also helpful, as some fights may require direct communication from you.

How to join Hand of Salvation

Join our discord and fill out our application. Browse around while you wait. It may look barren at first, but once accepted you will be blessed with some extra new channels. Very exciting stuff!


For a quicker and more human response, you can reach Rilas or myself using the following below.

Guild Recruiter: Tankstâ- zanngetsu1990 (Discord)
Guild Master/Raid Leader: Rilas- Rilas (Discord)

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Lots of people! Feels great to be a populated server. Got some of our raiders transferring over and trying out their classes. Actively recruiting so if our times fit come on thru and lets down some bosses together!

Just recruited my first thrall player and it was a 2 for 1 special. Gotta love it! Tweaked the post and will make slight changes as time goes on. Still recruiting for Dragonflight! If your coming back and looking for a home or a raid team check us out!

Everyone ready for Dracthyr tomorrow!

Our roster is looking great! We are currently 15 strong and still actively looking to get more raiders to flesh out the rest of the classes needed to get off to a great start in Dragonflight. Are you the one? Hit me up then!

Its the weekend hope everyone is having a great friyay!

18 players on the roster! lets goo!

Looks like we hit a snag and they tend to happen on the way. With spots opening comes opportunity and more opportunity to meet new people as we are a week away from the expansion release. Still actively recruiting!!!


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Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family and friends!

Still actively recruiting for Dragonflight. Check out what we need and if we don’t have the class you want to play no worries we can always accommodate. The more the merrier!

Interesed, sent discord request to connect. Looking forward to hearing from you.

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waiting for your request!

Woohooo!! reached level 70! How’s everyone doing so far? Still searching for ranged classes to round out the team.

Hope everyone had a great first week of Dragonflight! Looking for some ranged dps! where the mages at?

lots to do in week 2 more 0s and all these dailies! Still looking for some ranged dps!

It’s gonna be friyay!!! Hope everyone is having a great week! Still recruiting ranged dps! Mages seem to be the true super rares around here. i wonder what they would drop?

Hope everyone had a good day 1 in the Vaults. We are still recruiting players who want to experience the content. Currently in need for a solid offtank. Looking for some melee and ranged dps as well.

With much learning and nail-biting fun we manage on our final attempt of the night secure 6/8 Normal. We look forward to Tuesday going much faster in our attempts now that we know what to do and work on Brood and Razegath Tuesday. We are looking for more players to join on our request to get 8/8N and push heroic towards AotC. Come learn, experience, and have fun with us!

Interested! Went ahead and sent a friend request~

Welcome to the guild!

So we are a bit desperate from some cloth DPS. Need some mages, warlocks, and shadow priests. If your out there and need a home come thru!