[H/A] <Duskwatch Saberguard> RP guild - Unity through Order!

Thanks to all that came out last night for some socializing fun! I’m hoping to make this a regular thing so we can get more peeps in there, Horde and Alliance alike! (We always carry tongues pots so we can interact!)

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After taking some time to rest, the Duskwatch Saberguard have officially moved their operations to Meredil, Suramar. From this new post, we will patrol and keep an eye on the happenings within our territory… and perhaps keep an eye on our neighbors in Val’sharah.


Nightborne taking Kaldorei settlements they didn’t build for themselves? Oh, that’s a new one. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Well, you weren’t using them so why not?

Waste not…

:wink: :innocent: :purple_heart:

You know, you’re right. And you don’t seem to be using Suramar, so.

/Nicks it.

But… but… what about my tiny apartment? Am I being evicted? That’s rude!

Well, I mean you sort of evicted all Kaldorei from our own city so, turn-about is fair play and all that :slight_smile:

Yeah but you like trees better anyway. The air is fresher, the squirrels bark at you, and the sap is always in your hair.

See? Better than a stinky city… so we’ll just keep that and you can build another treehouse.


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The Duskwatch Saberguard arrived and settled into our new base at Meredil, Suramar. Our first and ongoing assignment, to patrol our lands and borders. With a team, we struck out to do just that.

After setting wards at key locations of interest, the unit found an abandoned carriage and picnic. The carriage was identified as belonging to a noble family in Suramar and investigations found arrows and signs that the nobles had been dragged into Val’sharah…

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The unit traveled into Val’sharah in order to figure out what had happened to the nobles. While traveling through the forest and following the trail of the missing nobles, they came across members of the Silver Circle. The arrows were identified as Kaldorei but not from any of their people. It was assumed they were planted in order to frame the Kaldorei for the attack on the carriage.

The unit then continued on only to discover a note addressed to Niluphel. The note taunted the unit: while they are in Val’sharah, who was protecting Niluphel’s noble family? As the Saberguard rushed back to Meredil, they discovered her parents were in the hands of the Faceless…


A contact within the Faceless sent a letter to Rhai, explaining that there was going to be a grand party of nobles. The Faceless, an underground group that felt Elisande loyalists were not punished enough, were planning to complete a ritual and attack the party.

The Saberguard put together costumes to hide their identity and rushed to infiltrate the ball!

After mingling with the guests, they were able to persuade several of them to spill the beans on suspicious party goers that were all wearing black spider masks. Following the information, the Saberguard found cultists using Niluphel’s parents as sacrifices in the ritual. Despite being attacked by the spider masked assassins, the unit was able to stop the ritual and save the Valois family.



Hey you.

Yeah you.

You’re pretty cool.

Keep being cool.

Keep being yourself. :sunglasses:



Hey you.


You are cool too. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

( :purple_heart: )


That mog rocks Lovi.

Thanks!! :heart:

It didn’t last long haha! Back to her uniform where she’s most comfortable.

At the last minute our patrol orders were changed. Instead of heading to check out the old leyline tunnels, we were sent into the city to patrol along the canals. We ventured into the city to do just that.

After finding and logging the location of some graffiti, we found ourselves surrounded by a group of civilians. Though the recent attacks against our people had us on edge, we were able to put our diplomacy skills to the test to learn some of the news of what was happening on the streets of Suramar’s grand city.

Then we continued our patrol… only to be ambushed! We were able to fight our way out, capture one of the ambushers and hastily left the city for Meredil. While treating the wounded, we all realized that someone in the Duskwatch was intentionally sabotaging the Saberguard and changing our orders on purpose.


An illusion? What are they hiding…?

Bippity Boppity Bump! I’ve gotten to go to a few of their events, and had a bunch of fun :smiley:

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Several of the Saberguard attended the Lunar Festival in Moonglade. We were able to get some awesome photos of our outfits at the photo op booth!

It was a great time! The events were amazing, the play was top notch and we were able to make new friends while also seeing friendly familiar faces!


Come see us at the next guild faire in Orgrimmar! Or if you can’t wait, come out and visit us in Meredil, Suramar.