[H - Zul'jin] <Imperial> Newly Formed Guild with Past CE Leadership

TLDR about Imperial (all this information and more can be found more in-depth below):

Guild & Server: Zul’jin [H]
Raid Times/Days: Tuesday-Thursday 10:00pm-1:00am EST (7:00pm-10:00pm PST)
Current Progression: Leadership is 10/10H but the guild itself is newly formed so 0/10.
Recruitment Contacts: Discord: Dialektic#0810/Camrrz#2731; Btag: Mith#11423/Eeveez#1884
Application: https://apply.wowaudit.com/us/zuljin/imperial/imperial?preview WowProgress: https://www.wowprogress.com/guild/us/zul-jin/Imperial (Guild founder is former raider in BibleBlack on Tich)
Requirements: We’re a newly formed guild looking to fill its open spots with raiders who are looking to push into mythic content and begin earning Cutting Edge every tier. At this point in time, we are looking for players who are a minimum of 9/10H with a preference for past or present mythic experience.
Needs: Recruitment is open for all roles and positions.

About Imperial:

We are a newly formed guild raiding on the Horde side of Zul’jin. The founders of the guild are former CE players, one of whom earned CE most recently in NYA (US 350 with the guild Notorious on Area 52), who came together to build a notable mythic raiding guild from the ground up. We are looking for players who have a strong desire to push Cutting Edge content in an efficient manner, and who have the desire to improve as a player, and as a team.

Our raid times are Tuesday through Thursday, from 10:00pm to 1:00am (7:00pm to 10:00pm PST).

Our guild’s policies regarding Raid days/times, attendance, trial process, play time, raider expectations, loot, and streaming are as follows:

1.) Raid Days/Times and Attendance Policy

Our raid days and times are as follows: Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday from 10:00pm to 1:00am EST (7:00pm-10:00pm PST). Should you miss your invite, please whisper one of the officers in game and the officer will ensure you receive your invite. Raid invites begin going out at approximately 9:45pm EST (6:45pm PST); we intend to begin pulling trash at 10:00pm EST. Everyone is required to be in discord by 10:00pm EST for raid. This ensures that should there be any announcements that are put out prior to raid, you will be there to hear it; the announcements will be done during trash and before the first boss pull of the night.

  • Attendance is of the utmost importance. Especially once progression begins on the later bosses, keeping a consistent composition of players becomes increasingly vital to the success of the overall team. If, for whatever reason, you will be absent or late to raid you are expected to post in the #attendance channel as soon as you become aware; this is a thing of respect for your fellow raiders. As such, we expect our raiders to maintain a 90% attendance rate. Failure to maintain at or above a 90% attendance rate an result in a warning and possible removal from the raid team or a failed trial.
  • If you do show up late for a raid, please get yourself invited and phased into the instance as quickly as possible.
  • If you are more than one hour late and you did not post a notification in the attendance channel, while you may still be brought into raid, you will be marked absent.

2.) Information for Trials

Current requirements for trials:

  • ^Item level - 195;
  • Ability to meet raid times and maintain a 90% attendance rate;
  • ^^Willingness to realm transfer for the trial (we can be flexible on this); and
  • At least one crafted rank two legendary.

We do not recruit players to sit on the bench. If we offer you a spot on the raid team, you will be receiving play time.

^^^If you currently do not meet these requirements, you may still apply. If you do not meet these requirements when you apply and we ultimately do go ahead and offer you a trial, we will work with you to get your item level up.

Trial Process:

  • Your trial will last no shorter than two weeks and no longer than four weeks. While the trial will last no shorter than two weeks, the four week maximum may be extended should the officers still be undetermined about your trial status. Some possible reasons for a trial to be extended are as follows: the trial was absent or the officers want more time to evaluate the trial.
  • Upon completion of your first night of raid, we will pull you into a chat to discuss your initial impressions of the guild as a whole, the raid environment, and our initial impressions of you as a trial. Subsequently, you will receive weekly reviews which will include the things where you have done well and the things which need improving.
  • As a trial, we are trialing you as much as you are trialing us. This means that we are looking to see how well you fit in with the guild outside of raid in addition to how well you perform in raid.
  • You will be expected to prepare for progression fights just like the raiders. The ultimate goal of the guild is to achieve Cutting Edge in a timely fashion, a trial will be judged more heavily on how he or she performs in a progression setting as opposed to a farm setting.
  • At the end of your trial we will reach out to you in a private message informing you whether we are offering you a spot on the raid team or whether we are terminating your trial.

^ Current requirements are subject to change as the expansion moves forward and the guild progresses through the tier.
^^ This requirement will be discussed and determined on a person-by-person basis.
^^^ If you opt to apply while failing to meet the item level requirement, your trial will not officially begin until your first week in the raid.

3.) Raider and Trial Expectations

Fight Expectations

  • Raiders and trials are expected to come to raid having researched the current boss(es) over which the guild is currently progressing. This includes watching a video guide of the fight, reviewing VODs of the fight from someone else who killed it on your respective class, reading the dungeon journal, and reviewing logs from other guilds who have killed the boss with a person playing your class and spec. This enables you to have an all encompassing understanding of how the fight plays out in theory, when you are supposed to use cooldowns, how much damage boss abilities do, and how frequently, or infrequently, boss abilities are cast.
  • The fight logs from the evening will be posted in the #logs channel either at the beginning or at the end of the raid night. Raiders and trials are expected to review their personal logs for the purpose of identifying problems and places where they can improve. The officers will be reviewing logs after every raid. If you need help reviewing your logs, please ask an officer to go through them with you; we are here to help you. If there are any glaring problems, the officers will reach out to help identify and fix the problems before the next raid. Minor problems, or less pressing problems, however, will not be addressed immediately, these are the problems expected to be addressed and fixed on your own. If, however, these problems go unaddressed the entire week, it may end up reflecting poorly on you because it shows that you either: (A) do not know how to view or read logs in-depth and you failed to ask for help; or (B) you neglected to even look at the logs; either way, if these problems go unaddressed for an entire raid week, you are likely to receive a direct message from an officer.

Raid Preparedness

Raiders and trials are expected to show up to raid fully prepared. They are expected to have the following:

  • All relevant gear enchants;
  • If the raider or trial has gear with sockets, they are expected to have those sockets filled with gems appropriate for their character;
  • All relevant consumables; and
  • While the guild strives to provide the relevant gems, enchants, flasks, food, and combat potions to our raiders and trials, this will most likely be an unattainable goal until the guild begins conducting sale runs to build up the guild bank, so in the meantime, we ask and are requiring of you to bring your own food, flasks, and combat potions.

Outside of Raid Expectations

  • Raiders and trials are expected to complete at least four mythic keystones every week in addition to the raid bosses downed for more options out of the weekly vault. The mythic keystones are to preferably be at the level of 10 or higher;
  • Raiders and trials are expected to maintain their renown level at the cap for the current week. For example, if the highest renown possible is rank 18, then raiders are expected to be at renown 18 prior to the next weekly reset. There will be some leniency for new characters or for those changing mains;
  • Raiders and trials are expected to receive 1,140 soul ash, per week, from Torghast. This means earning the soul ash from all eight layers in both wings every week; and
  • Raiders and trials are expected to get to rank five of the Eye of the Jailer debuff every day.

4.) Raid Composition and Play Time

The spots in raid are earned, not given; this is applicable for officers, raiders, and trials. It is the official policy of the guild that raid spots are not handed out based on nepotistic foundation, but rather a merit-based system. Because we do not recruit for the bench, we strive to bring the 20 best players into the raid with us. That being said, if you find yourself not being brought to a particular fight and would like to talk about it, please reach out to an officer and we will set up a time to discuss the reasoning behind it. If you are performing well and find yourself sitting on a particular fight, it is almost certainly a decision to optimize the raid composition for a particular fight. That being said, please never hesitate to reach out and ask an officer for a chat.

5.) Loot Policy

As this guild is progression focused, any tradable loot will be divvied out via a loot council. Like raid composition, loot will never be determined based off friendships. Instead, loot will be passed out based on likelihood to help the guild progress over all. As achieving Cutting Edge in the most time efficient way possible is our ultimate goal, it is in the guilds best interest to have the gear distributed from a progression mindset rather nepotistic mindset. As always, if you have any questions about how a particular piece of loot was distributed, please privately message an officer and we will set up a time to speak with you.

6.) Required Addons

The following addons are required for all raiders and trials:

  • Deadly Boss Mods or Big Wigs;
  • Exorsus Raid Tools;
  • RC Loot Council; and
  • ^WeakAuras 2.

^ If there are any required WeakAuras for a particular raid tier or boss, they will be posted in the appropriate, corresponding text channel for the tier or boss. It is your responsibility as a raider or trial to check these channels for strategy discussions, boss information, and required WeakAuras.

7.) Streaming

Should you desire to stream raid or any other guild activity, you must set your discord to show when you are streaming for the purpose of giving those in the channel with you sufficient notice that their voices are being broadcast live to whichever streaming platform you are using. While you don’t have to get individual’s permission to have discord be audible on your stream, if an individual requests that you mute discord for your twitch channel while playing with them, it is kindly request that you oblige. While you are permitted to stream raid coms, should an officer request that you mute your discord on stream, please do so immediately. The only reason an officer would ask for this is to have a guild meeting remain within the guild; you can unmute discord once the meeting is done or when the officer says it’s okay.

If you are interested, please fill out the application provided above in the TLDR section, or contact an officer:

  • Discord: Dialektic#0810/Camrrz#2731
  • Btag: Mith#11423/Eeveez#1884
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Still recruiting all, but definitely need some heals.

Healer Gods Where Are You!?

They all died

Still need RDPS as well

All applicants still apply, but in need of RDPS

  • Hunters
  • Boomkins
  • Spriests
  • Warlocks

199 Mm hunter or 195 Warrior that is currently prot but can switch to dps. Former Mythic Raider in Legion and beginning of BFA looking to come back strong for this xpac. Hit me up if interested

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We’re still recruiting a healer, ranged dps, and select melee

I added you on Bnet

Roster is coming along well. Still just need a few rdps and some heals. Will still accept all apps.