LF Trans Friendly Mythic Progression Guild

Hey, how’s it going? I hope you’re doing well. Imperial is a newly formed guild over on the horde side of Zul’jin, founded by two passionate former CE raiders. Our goal is to build this into a guild which can achieve cutting edge every tier. If this interests you, our basic information and a link to our detailed forum post is listed below. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions you may have!

Guild & Server: Imperial - Zul’jin [H]
Raid Times/Days: Tuesday-Thursday 10:00pm-1:00am EST (7:00pm-10:00pm PST)
Current Progression: Leadership is 10/10H but the guild itself is newly formed so 0/10.
Recruitment Contacts: Discord: Dialektic#0810/Camrrz#2731; Btag: Mith#11423/Eeveez#1884
Application: https://apply.wowaudit.com/us/zuljin/imperial/imperial?preview
WowProgress: https://www.wowprogress.com/guild/us/zul-jin/Imperial (Guild founder is former raider in BibleBlack on Tich)
Requirements: We’re a newly formed guild looking to fill its open spots with raiders who are looking to push into mythic content and begin earning Cutting Edge every tier. At this point in time, we are looking for players who are a minimum of 9/10H with a preference for past or present mythic experience.
Needs: Recruitment is open for all roles and positions.

You can find our recruitment post with more detailed information here: [H - Zul’jin] Newly Formed Guild with Past CE Leadership