Returning to the game? Re-rolling? Don’t give a crap about BFA raiding because the xpac is meh and you’re still wearing boosted greens?
[Masochistic Tendencies] (Horde) just reformed on Turalyon-US after taking a break for a few years.
MT has been around since 2009 on US-Uldaman. After stepping away from the game for a couple of years after my husband passed away (he got me into WOW in 2007), I am ready to return to the game.
A few of our original members have also returned to MT including our raid leader, so we will be raiding in SL! We have always been a heroic raiding guild because we don’t have the time or the patience for mythic raiding. We’re old, we’re tired, and we just want to have fun. We will be returning to heroic raiding when it launches.
MT is a laid back east coast guild, mostly adults over 35 many in our 40s and 50s. Along with some of our 20-something kids!
We are a bunch of goofballs, sense of humor is a must. We are not PG rated.
So come roll a horde toon on Turalyon US and see what we’re about!