✪ Tank and RDPS LF Raiding Guild for Shadowlands, coming 10/27!

We are almost (not quite) perfect for you guys. Here’s my shpiel, and it might actually get you thinking about if you can’t get everything on your list, what’s the most important?

This is where you would 100% love us. We are an older bunch, the majority is at least 35+, many are 40+ and we also have quite a few 50+. And we are really good, chill, awesome people (if I do say so myself).

This is where we’re actually don’t check all your boxes. We will be running normal and heroic raids, but we actually don’t have any plans to do mythic raids. The commitment, time and effort it takes just doesn’t match up with our real life responsibilities and available time. It’s hard to find something that’s exactly what you’re looking for as far as people and environment, that also does mythic raiding. They are much more edgier, and the game then turns into a stressful job. I already have one of those. I really don’t want another! LOL

Our raid spots are not set in stone. Our RL has one of the tank spots (but he is flexible). The other tank spot is up for grabs, and there is a bit of interest. In the end, it’s up to the RL. That’s something we can all definitely talk about further if you are interested in our guild.

The beauty of scaling raid groups is there is a lot less of that now - unless you’re in mythic raiding. Typically, at least historically, in this guild, if you want to raid, you will raid.

We haven’t finalized raid days/times yet but they will be 2 nights/week max, for 2-2.5 hours/night, somewhere between 9pm - Midnight EST. We’ll look at the guild’s preferences and hard stop times.

Our discord has a pretty active chat. We also have a facebook group. A lot of people are vocally shy but there’s usually 1 or 2 in voice chat waiting to serenade someone. :slight_smile:

Lok’tar! Sadly, I’ve found those toxic elitist folks the ones that want to push mythic raids. Eff that noise. Low drama here. We’re all grown ups, and we all respect each other.

M+ will definitely be a thing for us in SL. We may run some before the xpac hits once our 120s are geared for it. Most of us either rerolled or returned from a long break (raises hand). But the nice thing is, we’re running things for better gear as a team. :slight_smile:

So here’s the wall about text about us!

Happy Hunting!

