Lock and Shaman LFG for SL Semi-Casual Raiding n Good Times

Er… you just described our guild! LOL

Our past raiding tiers have been normal and heroics. We took a break for a couple years, came back, and reformed on Turalyon. We have that laid back attitude simply because we are older adults who have other things going on in life, so we can’t commit to the nonsense that goes with mythic raiding. We are definitely focused in raids, however there is also friendly banter going on too.

This is what we’re all about right here. I play because I enjoy the people I play with. This is a fantastic group of people.

Well the thing is… if you wanted to progress to Mythic, it comes with more of a commitment and serious focus than you seem to want. While it would be nice to have it both ways, you have to really think about what’s more important to you in this game. We do plan to progress through heroics. We do not plan to run mythic.

We will begin raiding in SL (we are not raiding in BFA), and while our specific days/times are TBD, we will be raiding 2 nights/week max for about 2.5 hours/week, somewhere between the times of 9pm - 12am EST.

Check out our recruitment post here:

We are welcoming re-rolls, returning players and new friends to ride out this xpac with. So feel free to roll a toon on Turalyon and see what we’re about! :slight_smile:

