Looking for a new home for Shadowlands. Open to both factions and open to server transfer

You sound like me LOL
I started in TBC, played through MOP, quit in WOD, came back for a while in Legion, started BFA then quit again for about a year and a half. :slight_smile:

This is what happened to me. After I had to step down from GL’ing, and quit the game, everyone scattered. When I came back for Legion, I floated from guild to guild looking for exactly this. And nothing ever felt right, so at the start of BFA, I quit again.

I got back into retail about a month ago when I got a beta invite for SL. That’s when I rounded up some of my old guildies (we were in touch on FaceBook), and said let’s revive MT! I miss what we had!

And so we did! And now we have it all back again and more! The folks we have recruited recently are our perfect matches, and everyone is just great and wonderful. I’m actually enjoying the game again!

YES!!! We moved off a dead server (Uldaman) to Turalyon. We are bringing more people into the Turalyon server, and it has a very healthy population. We are active in guild chat as well as discord chat. You can talk to people again!

Check. We are not raiding right now. We are just riding out BFA goofing off, rerolling, running random dungeons. Getting some mythic dungeon groups together soon. We also group up for some of the harder quests.

We are horde, US, EST.

(just kidding…)
We have discord and Facebook group and we do communicate through those avenues, but you’re not required to join.
Raiding is casual, attendance won’t be mandatory… but if you have a healing or tank role (i.e. a critical raid role) we would prefer close to 100% attendance… knowing and understanding of course that life happens. If you are a dps role, it’s obviously much more flexible. You are also not required to raid in this guild. :slight_smile:

No nitpicking… just friendly banter. We do tease each other when we do dumb stuff… (a decade later they STILL won’t let me forget “the chicken nugget incident of 2010”) , as long as you can laugh at yourself, we will be laughing with you, not at you. We are all grown ups here, and so far everyone is very laid back, friendly and super agreeable, with a willingness to help out other guildies and the guild as a whole.

Noooo don’t do that! Come to Turalyon and play with us! right now we’re just goofing off until the xpac hits. :slight_smile:

