[H-RP EVENT] Forsaken Talks June 18th

Sorry you can’t come. I believe there will be an increase in Forsaken RP soon and you will have more opportunities.

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I might end up coming, I have this weekend off, yay! I’ve always been a fan of the Forsaken, The whole Callia setup is interesting to me, hopefully the writers can keep their hard-on for Sylvannas at bay and give her a decent storyline.

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I would very much like to attend this. If the weekend is free I should be there, hopefully along with my wife/co-gm if she’s available.

In about 7 hours a discussion in the public square of Tarren Mill will take place. Will the venue be too small for the numbers coming, or will the hallow wind be louder than anything we few have to say?

I’m looking forward to attending this discussion.

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It will be good to hear what you have to say.

2 hours untill event.


Thank you all who came out. There was so much and not much time that we are doing another.


It was a great event, I appreciate you guys tolerating me, I normally play on Moon-Guard. Had so much fun and I loved all of your Characters so much I’m considering actually Switching to your Server. (My Character was Valinthress BTW, the forums don’t seem to acknowledge the name change I did to my toon.)


Glad to hear it went well!

Unfortunately events outpaced me and I was unable to attend. It is my truest wish and most firm certainty that free thinking, enlightened Comrades of the Forsaken argued forcefully for the power of the State over Alliance interlopers and articulated a firm case against both the Exarch, the Menethil invader, and their imperial appetites.


Sorry I missed it. 104.5*F fever had me thinking I was talking to dead relatives all weekend.

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Unfortunately my wife and I were also unable to attend due to real life complications. Perhaps next time.

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There were a little of that sentiment and others were articulated pretty well, like a Calia marriage. Most of them to me didn’t seem very detailed. Almost like people were holding back. Between some players not able to make it and those in attendance having more to share, i plan to do more of these.

Do it, come to WrA. There are going to be a rise in new Forsaken guilds soon and a couple of older ones might reignite. Northeastern Coalition and Royal Apothecary Society i hope might be coming back. I’m glad you had fun. Not as exciting as an adventure event, but it can have something interesting sometimes.

I’m glad you’re fine now. There will be another chance. I got my fever out the way last month.


It did go rather well, didn’t it? Shame that I somehow managed to immolate my notes beforehand but I suppose the bright side of it all is that there’s no remaining evidence nor nothing to link me to anything that could be construed as remotely untoward.


I’m sorry, I completely forgot about it, I was looking forward to it… damn adhd.

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Nothing too serious hopefully. But yes, there will be a next time in August.

Yes, an accident to be sure.

Shoot me a letter on your Horde toon and I’ll make sure to send you a couple of reminders for the next one.

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Long live the House of Belmont

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https://youtu.be/TwFTJbwNlLw I wanted to post this here as I think it’s an awesome edit of the events that took place (all put together) that we all discussed in that Meeting. it’s a nice linear way to take in the story without the gameplay between breaking it up.

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