The resurrectionist mentality is understandable. For all the good and bad it brought, the Forsaken was at it’s safest when they were at their strongest. Sylvanas had a golden age for a time and to reclaim that part of her reign would reinvigorate Forsaken pride.
Those who take this stance are inclined to select a leader who is like Sylvanas during the times around the fall of the Lichking. Perhaps they might select several Forsaken who shown exceptional leadership over the years and compare their accomplishments. They might consider term limits so that the corruption of power doesn’t creep in.
Would this be better for the Forsaken? Would the world fear the Forsaken more and hasten their destruction? What is your take?
The world would fear the Forsaken more and hasten their destruction. Also part of what make Sylvanas charismatic was what she actually did for the Forsaken. She provided leadership and direction at a time when the Forsaken were lost, rejected by their own and seeking vengeance against the Scourge that killed them.
Those threats are gone. The biggest threat left standing now is the shadow Sylvanas left behind. The numerous potential enemies, on both factions, who see the Forsaken as her legacy, one best destroyed.
For the Forsaken to survive, they must evolve into something new. Something that at least SEEMS less overtly evil, as their very existence hangs by a thread, after so much wrongdoing.
The first generation Forsaken might be the only ones which would want a leader similar to Golden Age Sylvanas. If we can find a new way to procreate then we could probably defend against the Alliance should they attack us out of fear.
Death to the living!
I think an interesting take for a new wave of Forsaken are people who learn about the broken cycle of death and instead of going to the Maw, seek out death alternatives like the curse of undeath. This will never be addressed in the story, the impact of the knowledge that souls that die are going straight to super hell would have on a populace. But as roleplayers it has to be the biggest twist those of us who are still rping in the old world have in relation to the distant Shadowlands plot.
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You are right, it probably will never be addressed in the story.
I think undeath through the light is going to be the means of procreation. Maybe not right away, but maybe by end of expansion?
That’s why we need another person like Sylvanas leading us again because they would make that a priority. Calia is going to make ties with the living a priority.
For those of us who want a leader like we had in the golden days of Sylvanas, perhaps the closest thing we’ll get to that is the means of procreation.
The most likely thing to happen are lightforged Forsaken, especially because of the statement about necromancy is necromancy. However, Calia just might be enough of a diplomat to convince the Val’kyr queen to lease some to us. Maybe Calia will seek out a little necromancy from all sides of the cosmological scope to diversify the Forsaken?
Do more players prefer the council over a single leader?
I really don’t think any of them are worth their position and we need a old Sylvanas type in the council!
For a moment, I thought Cappy was back.
I miss the Homies