So I heard from a very reliable source that you’re looking for a guild!
Well you’re in luck because on Sunday, April 25, from 6pm-8pm, Orgrimmar’s Drag is going to be chock full of guilds looking for new members!
Choose from a fine -and ever expanding- selection of currently active, currently recruiting guilds of all kinds! I’m talking elf guilds, orc guilds, merc guilds, PvE/PvP guilds, entertainment guilds, house guilds and more! You want a guild that RP’s as a humanitarian organization? We got one of those too!
And that’s just a small sample. This event is open to any and all guilds who’re interested! Just show up, carve yourself out a spot, and start making your pitch!
/e slaps roof of event “This bad boy can fit so many guilds in it! The only thing it’s missing is YOU!”
Again, that’s Sunday, April 25, from 6pm-8pm in Orgrimmar’s Drag!
If you rep a guild and would like to receive updates regarding future events, feel free to join the event Discord.
Or reach me at Tamani#2391 or in game for more information!