🇺🇸 (H) <Risk> Pagle / 2nights / LF Rogues

Guild Name: Risk
Server: Pagle | Horde
Times: Tues/Thurs 8PM - 11PM EST, Casuals welcome!
Loot Distribution: DKP
Discord Tag: @Omega#1356
Bnet: Ruins#1398
Guild Roster: 150+ members

We are veteran players all over the age of 30 who all started out in classic WoW as horde players, and have raided all the way up through BFA and Mythic Jaina. We understand real life is priority, and that is why we are only raiding 2 nights a week with an occasional 3rd if we are so close on progression (such as 5% on Rag).

You’ll find a lot of reminiscing photos of vanilla wow where I was guild leader and a lot of old guild friends that haven’t played together since classic.

We are very laid back, but if you are up for a joking around, fun time guild this is for you. We do not take offense to anything, and we’ve all known each other for so long we are like family. We plan to do monthly events and giveaways to show appreciation for our guildies.

Friday nights we like to take a load off once we hit 60 play other games like Dead by Daylight, Deceit, Hearthstone and Magic the Gathering Arena.

We welcome all members, new to vanilla or old veterans, we will help push you in the right direction and look forward to you joining our guild. Feel free to drop by the discord channel or comment below if you have any questions or concerns.

Open Positions:
Main Tank - Closed
Main Off Tank - Closed
Rogue - High Priority
Priest - Low
Mage - Low
Druid - Low
Dps Warrior - Low
Warlock - Low
Shaman - Low
Hunter - 1-2more

Hi, Im interested in joining your guild when classic comes out. I’m looking at maining a warlock, like i did back in TBC (when I started).

Absolutely! We understand not everyone has time to make all the raids and between UBRS, Dire Maul and all the other end game 5 man groups we are going to need a ton of people to help fill all the runs!

If you want to join our discord or shoot me your bnet we can chat more.

Hey Axle, same for Rellti, warlocks are always in high demand! We’d love to have you. If you want to join our discord or shoot me your bnet I can get you added and familiar with everyone as we get going

Messaged you on discord, hope to chat soon

Thanks Prizm, welcome aboard, glad to have you.

Highly looking for rogues, where y’all out? Time to come out of stealth

Hey deep I’m ready to get rolling will main rogue or mage whatever guild needs so we can fill out a good roster to get rolling holler back at me with details

Shift! Glad you made it bud, would love to have your rogue if you want.

What’s your discord name or Bnet and I’ll get in touch with you to get you invited

So excited to start playing Classic with y’all. We are almost at raid ready numbers. Come join a great group of people ready for fun in the Pagle sun.

Thank you Shock! Closing in on 35 members now.

Awesome group of people since I joined, very friendly and active discord

The cats out of the bag, [Dunamas] guild has merged with Risk. We had similar raid times and vision and now are almost raid ready roster. Great group of people. Come join us!

absolutely it’s been great having you guys n gals come over, so many couples now.

Looking for a Main Off tank, and Priest are in high demand!

Updated main post with current open positions and demand.

I am rolling an undead rogue on Pagle. I am an old gamer from original Vanilla like us all but back then I didnt raid and I played alliance so I am completely re-learning the game. I dont expect many invites to guilds but when the game launches and if you have an opening for an old guy I will hit you all up.

Hey Raza! We’d love to you, if you’ll send me your discord or bnet I can get you added that way we can get you invited once the servers roll out!

Good morning All! Still looking for a Main OT!

Closing in on 40 members, updated dps warrior and warlock to High Demand.

I’ll main offtank. I’m going feral tank regardless of what happens anyways and Ive already researched all the raid bosses and know what bosses are better tanked by warrior or druid and why. Been preparing to feral main tank endgame but I’ll settle for off tank for now :wink: