[A] Pagle Warrior/Hpal

Hey all, wife and I are making pagle our home for classic and plan on semi no lifing lol. I’ll be tanking with her healing so we don’t have to wait for groups.

We are looking for semi-hardcore minded guilds and are willing to play other rolls that are needed as well. I played and raided as a lock back in the day(quit when naxx40 came out). But highly interested in mage or tank this time. She is interested in holy pal, priest or hunter.

Hey there Suicydull, our guild may be just what you’re looking for - Pagle, semi-hardcore, adults: [A] <Unity> | Pagle | Semi-Hardcore | Tu/Th +Sun 8-10PM EST

Hey Suicydull, we would love to have you a part of Risk. It’s a semi hardcore guild on Pagle that raids 8 to 11 EST Tues and Thursday nights. We are near 40 active people now and have a base community that has played together for many years. Check us out and meet us on discord if you are interested! We need another tank and healer and I think that might pretty much round off our team. 🇺🇸 (H) <Risk> Pagle / 2nights / LF Rogues


We will be raiding Tues/Wed/Thurs 630pm-10:30pm EST

We have all positions open at the moment except for tank.

Ill throw my guild into the mix. <Darkness> Pagle [A] PvE Weekend Raiding Guild 8:30pm EST Start

We are a casual raiding guild that takes raiding seriously. I am keeping the guild topped out to a maximum of 60 players but would prefer 50 active.

I can be reached via dm here, on that post, Discord via Pizzalicious#3878 or Bnet Pizzalicious#1927