[H] [PVE-Myzrael-PST] Horde Tough <Age Group 40+>

Dailyn#1575. This sounds perfect for me.

Hello all,
Been excited for WoW Classic and this guild sounds like a fun place to hang up my hat. Iā€™m 45 with three kids but been playing WoW since it first came out. Was a hard core raider through Cata; however, after that point I have been more casual. I am eager to relive the Vanilla days and a nice light raid speed sounds nice. I just want to do all the content/raids that Vanilla has to offer but not feel like I have to rush leveling and hit Molten Core in like two weeks. Those hard core days died long ago.

Quick background besides WoW. I started off with Atari and became hooked on games. Then Nintendo released their system and it was goodbye after that. Also still enjoy a good DnD game with old friends. Basically always will be a kid at heart. For classic I am debating about either healing as a druid or dpsing as a mage. Still back and forth on it. Just hoping for a social guild that I can run all dungeons and raids with and enjoy it as we go.

My Battle Tag is TalynSune#1625 if you would like to send me an invite. Looking forward to meeting you all.


Ray should be contacting you soon if she hasnā€™t already.

I love how my 55+ post took off and morphed into this Guild idea. I would love to be part of it. RoadKing2016#1435


Wait WHAT? You ainā€™t in the guild yet? For shame. Lol

Ray should contact you shortly.

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To be honest after I made the original post (late night drunk) I didnā€™t pay any attention to it. It blows my mind how it has evolved.

Hey all, have btag invites out to: Casuzascooki, Vespehr, Yunim, Razc, Kohna Welcome to Horde Tough

Kohna itā€™s great to see you, your forum post started all of this and it has turned into something amazing. Lol, been there too on the late night drunk posts. =)

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You really did help create something, Kohna! Thank you :heart:


Thank you! Worked 10 hours today saw this and felt blessed for something I had no idea was going to happen

Still learning to quote on the forums :slight_smile: I canā€™t wait to meet you all in game and just relax and play!

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After all this I guess Iā€™ll up my subscription /shrug

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Hey Kohna- you shouldnā€™t need to up your subscription to accept the friend invite, if you want to wait until release. There should be a little red icon over the bell icon in the upper right of your bnet launcher with an invite or you can send an invite to datzap#8498 on discord. Up to youā€¦

Iā€™m EST, but i was willing to play on a diff timezone just for these folks ā€¦

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Your write up was exactly what I was looking for. Iā€™m here for the long haul so there is no need to rush to 60. Too much content I enjoyed from Vanilla. Iā€™m just waiting for launch pretty much, and would love an invite. Battle tag Shiloh17#1128

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Friend invite accepted Ray. Thank you. My last post was meant to be sarcasm, but as Iā€™m the only one who knows I only have 3 days left on my current subscription it really wasnā€™t funny at all.

Really very excited to meet and play with everyone here in Classic!


This is exactly what Iā€™ve been looking for.

Iā€™m 44 and (semi)retired (former Army). I raided fairly hardcore as a warlock in vanilla (everything up to about 1/2 way thru Naxx) and had a blast doing it.

I canā€™t stand what the game has turned into over the years so Iā€™m really excited for Classic. I plan on putting a sizeable chunk of my time into it for the foreseeable future.

Iā€™m probably going to play Priest this time around and try my hand at healing/shadow (or relive warlock, I keep flip flopping on this but it will be one of those 2).

I would love to be a part of this.


Really looking forward to classic. I played from 2-3 months after release (the game sold out and was hard to find for a bit in our area) through TBC - a little bit of everything from semi-hardcore raiding to arenas.

Tried Warhammer, DDO, Eve (GOML), PoE, Rift, etc. after that but nothing captured that original WoW time. Returned for WoD but the atmosphere was gone (at least for me) so gave it up after a few months.

Not quite 60 and still a gamer but canā€™t say I spent much time on the early platforms. Spent a lot of time at arcades in 70s and early 80s with a lot of pool and pinball between that and the first release.

Iā€™m planning to main a hunter with a priest in reserve. I have a couple names reserved and would love to get in on the ground floor if still taking names.

Bnet: GhostDog#116527
Disc: alky32578#3183

Hey ya Bignose (just typing that made me laugh). I sent you a friend invite, please check your bnet launch messages. Welcome to the Guild!

I am totally unfamiliar with the various types of loot handling and wondered:

Raiding Loot Rules: EPGP - Does this result in the ones who already have better gear (thus better damage output) getting more gear than ones who need it more?

Howdy, Horde Tough sounds like the guild for me. 43, looking forward to the journey with you all if youā€™ll have me.

Arodtwelve #1506