[H] [PVE-Myzrael-PST] Horde Tough <Age Group 40+>

Howdy Morgrax, welcome to the guild. I just sent you a bnet friend invite from Tempyst.

If you’re a ‘mature’ player and want to join a group of other ‘mature’ people who are ‘WOW’ enthusiasts then consider joining Horde Tough. Remember in High School when you were in the D&D club and the ‘cool’ kids made fun of you? And where are those ‘cool’ kids now? They’re probably working for you.

Please add me! BT Steve#11412

Thank you!

I love all the interest you are all showing! Thanks all!

I’m not posting just for the sake of allowing this tread to ascend in the forums just so it will attract the attention of readers who may be interested in joining a Guild comprised of mature players.

Hi Raythia,

To be honest, I fall right below 40 yo (but I do have the grey hairs starting!), but based on everything I’m reading, I would be interested in joining your guild. I’ve got three kids and RL keeps me quite busy, so I appreciate the casual nature of the guild without having a high emphasis on raiding. If you’re okay with a drama-free young’n, and if there is room, I’m interested!

Battletag: bulldawg#1381
Discord: Gashaad#3154 (Just signed up for this so I’m still learning this app).


Welcome to the guild Rukgar and Gashaad, friend invites have been sent from Tempyst. We’ll get you into discord once you accept. Great to have ya!

Seems like we are going to have a pretty good size guild at launch, this is great! More great folks to play with and get to know. Priest heals LFG RFC August 26th :grin:

This sounds awesome! I am looking forward to classic. Your guild sounds like something that would be perfect! Tag s2tele#1130

Hey there Koa, bnet friend invite has been sent. Welcome to Horde Tough, it’s great having you!

Will be there with an Undead Rogue


I am overwhelmed and thrilled at the 55+ crowd turnout. launch day can’t get here quick enough! Looking forward to crossing canes, um swords I mean with the alliance and kicking some depends.

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Cough. 40+ mind you!!!

55 is the new 40 right??

Wait, could we please return to the ‘crossing canes’ comment for a moment. I really resemble that…I mean, resent…ya resent …that’s what I really meant to say.

This sounds perfect. The raid times are ideal for me too. I will look you up once the game is live… name is Ashikuro and playing a resto shaman.

Received, thank you!

Are we there yet?

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Perfect I have to look you guys up once the game launches.
I plan on playing a warlock and everything else.

For the Horde.


Battle tag RonnĂŹn#1463 alt 141 for special ĂŹ

Hello all! Looking to join the “oldies but goodies club” as well. Checking in at 53 yrs on this rock. Battle Tag: Vesp#11532

Nyxxi here from the 55 and older thread and i wanted to come by to bump this up, because the people who make up Horde Tough are an awesome group of people. Theyve been so kind and welcoming to me, and informative too. I value welcoming and friendliness so mich, ans they do it. While they’ve set up things to welcome every member, management is professional and adaptive. Theyre laid back but excited for Classic release, chatty but inclusive, and funny too. My stay with them was short but only because my group from retail is going to a different server. If you happen to roll up a toon on Myzrael (spelling? Lol) and are 40+, give these awesome folks a try. You won’t regret it ( i didnt for one second!) and you’ll find an awesome group of people (you really will!) For the Horde!!