[H] [PVE-Myzrael-PST] Horde Tough <Age Group 40+>

Horde Tough is an established guild put together based on the <55+ and Older> thread on the Classic World of Warcraft forums. However, our doors are open to all folks 40+.

Did you play the Magnavox Odyssey? How about Atari Pong? If you did, then you will fit right in with this great group of folks. Most of us have been gaming since the 1970s and before…while we may be a bit slower and a little grayer we are here to experience all of the wonderful content offered by Classic World of Warcraft.

The founders of Horde Tough have officer and raid leading experience in hardcore guilds from Vanilla through Burning Crusade, however, we have no interest in doing that again. This is a casual raiding, our player base is at end game instances. There will never be any spec/race/class requirements…play the game the way you want and have fun. Our only expectation is that you try your best while grouping with others and treat all players with kindness and respect.

Guild Name: Horde Tough
Faction: Horde
Server: PVE Myzrael PST
Raid Times: Friday and Saturday 7pm to 10pm PST
(Tentative 1 additional night of raiding based on what the guild wants)
Raiding Loot Rules: TBD
Age Requirement: 40+
(While exceptions can be made for family/friends, please keep in mind that this will be a mature crowd with possible adult language/conversations

Please contact in game Hexik, Dogsbody or Unchained. We wish everyone happy adventures through Azeroth. For the Horde!!


Hey ya Bitzzle, friend invite coming your way. Welcome aboard!

I should have all the friend invites out for the people that posted their Battletag on the 55+ thread. If I missed you, let me know.

Just what i have been looking for!! Add me please ! THEPMSBEAST#1336. Can’t wait to play with people that boogied through Disco and Rocked on with Big Hair bands! lol


Lol, I had HUGE hair in high school, to this day I still look at my year book picture and cringe. Invite incoming. Glad to have ya!!

Sweet! This will be awesome! Thanks for setting this up!

Gale force winds could not have moved my hair in my year book photo from the hairspray.

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This is just the type of guild my hubby and I have been looking for! =) I almost skipped over it because the title says 55+ and I am only 51. Glad I read it all the way through! We both started during BC on the alliance side and we want to play horde this time. Battle tag Moonie#1305

Howdy Jandracy, invite coming your way. You make a really good point on the 55+ comment in the title, really it was just referencing the forum thread. Changed it to match the guild requirement 40+. Glad you said something. Welcome!!

Howdy all! I’m another oldie in the PacNW. I’d love to join up with y’all.


Nice to have you Danicia, invite incoming. =)

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I’m so excited! Love this idea so much. Thank you! Can’t wait to meet you all in Classic! p.s. Got my bnet invite already.

Thanks! I am so excited to play with folks again. I haven’t played since halfway through Legion, and it’s nice to be back.

Welcome Aubriella!!

I tried to play WoD, Legion and BFA but once I got my toon to level cap I couldn’t even bring myself to log in anymore. Those expansions just weren’t my cup of tea. But super excited for Classic.

Ray is doing a wonderful job at it all. We discussed what needs to be done and she has taken action. Super helpful.

Cata on I played less and less. Only reason I made 118 on this toon was because I was always fully rested. LOL

I am interested for sure (Ray and I have already linked-up thru BattleNet). I led a large WoW guild for many years, but now at age 50, I just “retired” from one career and started a second job that hopefully will take me to age 65. With being very busy with the 2nd career and four active kids ages 8-15, my WoW Classic time will be limited. Therefore, I don’t have the time anymore to lead a WoW guild. But I am excited to be part of one like this. I plan to enjoy the leveling experience slowly, and hopefully chat with many of you along with way.

Sent you a bnet invite

How do you plan to verify the age of applicants?

There really is no age verification, although I guess we could require them to send a lock of gray hair or perhaps post a picture of their scooter. =)

Really though, if a 18 year old wants to hang out with a bunch of folks 40+ my guess is they aren’t going to have a very good time. Plus, the average age of the peeps in this guild right now is 50+


It is cool you picked Myzrael, as thats the server im headed to. Im 51 retired US Army.
My brothers, and some friends playing horde side.
We all raided in vanilla. Hope to see you in game

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But you are open to younger people joining the guild, as long as they act mature, and are aware of what they are getting into?