[H] [PVE-Myzrael-PST] Horde Tough <Age Group 40+>

EP = Effort points, gain these from doing guild activities.
GP = Gear Points, these track your spending of EP through such things as loot which will have a EP cost assigned.

There is a third stat Priority which is EP/GP to determine who gets the right to spend their points when multiple people want the same loot.

The decay is there to limit the effects of people hoarding points as it reduces the EP and GP a player has over time.

Never used it before so hopefully this is right and any corrections would be welcomed.

Hey ya Qaty - No EPGP does not result in people who have better gear/dps to get priority and/or more loot.

Basically, EPGP is a form of DKP with decay. You earn points (EP) for your contribution to the raid and you spend points (GP) to acquire loot. Other things can be added in to GP, such as mats taken from the bank, etc. EPGP also has a decay, which means people cant sit on their EP points for 6 months without contributing and come back to get loot.

Goblinhood said it great too. Hope this helps, please let me know if you have any questions.

With the advent of Classic on the horizon, I’ve been relentlessly looking for a home. I may have found one here. I was considering one of the PvP servers but it seems every guild I’ve looked into has their sights set on being in MC/ONY two weeks from release. No thanks. I’m rolling Horde this time around so I’m truly experiencing the game anew. I have no inclination to no-life it. My only reservation is a west coast server being that I’m in EST, otherwise Horde Tough looks like a great fit.

45 y/o dad
US Army (Retired)

Very very few will be 60 in 2 weeks much less be raid ready. Record level speed is a little over 4 days in game time. This means if you play 12 hours a day every day you can get it done in a week. Yes I said 12 hours a day. Those that do that will burn out quickly. Average is somewhere around 6 to 10 days played. That is just to get to 60. You’ll need another day or 2 to get raid ready. average person plays 3 to 4 hours a day. This means it will take about 35 days if you miss no days.

I think many will be raid ready around 3 moths to be honest. If we take a little longer, I am ok with that. No busting butt to do a raid the way someone tells you to. No min or max. Play the way you want to. Its a video game. It’s for fun. We are gonna have fun.

I am former army too. Go Army. Hurrah


we have people from different time zones here, i’m central myself.

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I’m EST also. These guys are the only reason why I’m playing PST.


I am timeless. Lol

Hey guys,
46 years old and coming back to wow for classic! I tanked all the way through TBC and casual payed up to WOTLK looking for some old folks like myself to spend some game time with!!! Prolly going to be rolling shammy !!! see ya in game if ya have room!

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We prob will have room. come on join us

Hi, My name is Warow. I’m Larz’s wife. Please add me. My battletag is Warow#1110, and I plan on playing a mage.


How about you convince my wife to play too?

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Ok. Wife play wow.

Done. Rest is in your hands.

Thanks for the invite can’t wait to meet you all.

My toon name will be Quantumb Undead Warlock.
Retired Royal Dutch Air Force, 47.
Casuzascookie is the wife hopefully she will play.

Invited. Welcome


I am the dirty old man from the 55+ Thread.
We had the Intellivision when I was a kid. I swear, I was the only one in the world that had one of those gaming systems. I believe that was around 1978?

Hollar at ray. she’ll invite

Hello Raythia-

I am hoping I could get an invite to your guild.

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Been playing since a few months after launch. 49 years old and would like to play with you. Battletag is Whiteriot#1922.

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Ray will send out an invite soon