[H] or [A] Looking for a nice friendly AOTC family for now or Shadlowands

TLDR version: I am a lifelong tank. That is what I do. I can learn to dps, but I dont expect to be great at it. I can even learn to heal if needed. I cannot raid on Friday or Saturdays. Later times the better EST.

Day one player looking for a home. A place where people do not yell, argue, scream, and put down their raiders. I have tons of Heroic experience and some mythic experience. I am a tank. I love to tank. I don’t have to raid tank, but I love to do it. I am positive to a fault and love to help others.

I love long walks on the beach, getting AOTC kills and being a part of a family that raids with each other and has been doing it for a long time. I am old, in case you dont like old people.

This toon is the one that has the most current “progression” but I also have a DH around 444, Warrior around 420, Monk around 435ish. A boost that I think I will use on a druid as well.

Any interest?


ETA: Contact info, whoops!

If you’re ever down for a faction change, I think Missunderstood (US-Kirin Tor) might tick the rest of your boxes. Semi-casual, got AotC last patch and hoping to get it again this one. All adults, many with busy lives, we have a very relaxed Heroic raid every Sunday night at 8:30 Central time. Goofy when we can be, no drama or issues focusing on the game during raid time.

Recruiting any class&spec, but we do need a spare tank, especially for random M+ runs during the week!

Drop me a line, Woogicus#1450

Maybe. Like to see what other horde groups are out there first. Because: FOR THE HORDE!

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To the top!


I liked your post. I’m a returning player after 10-years and I’m just getting familiar with all the changes. It has been challenging to find a group of friends to play with, even the dungeons…everyone seems to be in a rush for just kill and loot, no planning, no communication. I find that weird. In any case, I’d like to see if I can contact you separately. I also play a Paladin and tanking is what I like to do. Need kind of a mentor, at least to re-learn the basics, have a chat about good add-ons, macros, etc. I’m leveling up a new character. Thanks!

I want to learn to heal on my pally! Help me help you help us!

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Good morning! I have no problem waiting until shadowlands as well.

I’m like 80% sure I’m gonna boost a priest! #disc

If Alliance is ever an option I would like the opportunity to talk. We are a newer guild that just finished a reroll and will be starting Normal next week with a goal of Heroic after that. We are a casual laid back group that is looking to have some fun together. Shot me a discord message @ Khell#4727 or a BNET request @ Sinnicks#1267 if you want to talk further. Best of luck :slight_smile:

Yes. I don’t mind. I know no faction restrictions

Hey there! We are in need of melee with a tank OS if we sound like a good fit and you dont mind server and faction transfer. You sound like you’d fit in great with us! <From Ashes> is an alliance guild my husband and I lead on the Whisperwind/ Dentarg servers. We are a social/ casual guild with a low stress raiding environment. Most of our members are older members (most are between mid 30s - 50s) with children and full time jobs. Our goal is to have a guild that feels like a family, where our members actually care about one another and want to hang out. We are firm believers that real life comes first and that this is supposed to be something we enjoy, not a job. We raid Normal and Heroic only on Wed/ Sun from 8p-10p cst , have lots of off night events scheduled (in game and out), and a pretty active discord. We try to do as much as we can together as possible whether that be fun runs/ mythic dungeons/ raids/ achievements/ etc. Here is our guild spam if you want to check it out: [A] From Ashes (Whisperwind/Dentarg) LFM

If we sound like a good fit and you would like to chat please contact me in game or add my btag: Chelusa#1974. Good luck in your guild search!

Thanks! Anyone else? I’m looking forward to Shadowlands

Happy reset!

I think you would really enjoy my Guild. We are a great bunch of players the only thing is we are on normal. But once we are done doing normal we plan to push heroic in the current raid. Great bunch of players our age lvls range from 20’s to 40’s nobody here will ever scream or link a dps meter. Players even pugs are met with kinds words. Pls give us a look if you would like more info you can always add me. Raven#19220 we are horde on Hyjal.

Hi Handofcod,

I am the GM of a newer guild (but not new WoW gamers) on Stormrage, Dragonglass. My memebers have been playing since Vanilla and BC and we are rebuilding our weekend raid team (Sat/Sun 8-10:30 PM EST/Server). We are also looking for good M+ players as well as general content and fun stuff. We have some tanks, but would be willing to have one of them go heals if a good tank came along. We are currently 4/12 H NWC and we achieved AoTC for EP. All but one of my current raiders also raid the Horde side with me where I am RL for that team and we are 6/12 H, so we have a lot of experience and have been together the better part of a year now. If you would like to learn more and/or join a growing and friendly community, please reach out to me.

PS. Both my raid teams are recruiting on A and H if you are interested in that as well.

Btag: Sylverwynd#1332
Discord: Kevell#1931

I cannot add you in discord. :frowning:

Also. I cannot raid on the weekend

My character here is not my main, I only do tanking… dunno anything about healing and/or retribution. So, I cannot offer much knowledge to you, LoL

Morning all. Need a team player? I’m your guy. I’m also house broken. :slight_smile:

Hi, We are looking for a tank to Progress in Nyalotha so we can all get AOTC this year. We are also looking for a new member of our discord family. Psychonauts is a social guild with flexible hours looking for players wanting to progress. Our goal is to make a friendly environment where we can learn/improve together without the stress of not being good enough. Focused on mythic/raid progression and PVP. We also like to do mog/mount runs in our freetime.

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Dates / times?

Got a discord name or battle.net contact?