[H] or [A] Looking for a nice friendly AOTC family for now or Shadlowands

Evening all :slight_smile:

Ruiner-2/12M AOTC Ny’Alotha is recruiting exceptional dps and healers for our Mythic core (Tues + Weds 10pm-130am est) and all classes for our development run Heroic(Thurs 10pm-130est). We are a very active guild and more so in the late night time slot doing keys nightly and early into the morning hours multiple days a week. If you have a great attitude and want to play in a fun environment this is the place for you.

We recruit players based on attitude first and i would love for you to come tank for us on thursdays. Our thursday raid has completed AOTC both of the last 2 tiers and is compromised of mythic raider alts and heroic raider mains. Thursdays are for fun but dieing in raid isnt fun so we try to get as much done as we can and will clear AOTC this tier for sure. Feel free to contact me if you interested.

Dynast-Recruitment Officer
Battlenet: mudaklol#1646
Discord: Dynast#6743

I sent you a discord friend request. Let’s see if I’m a good fit :slight_smile:

Hey Handofcod!

I run a small Horde guild on Arthas, and we would love to talk with you about joining our community! Your Prot Paladin (or other tank of choice) would be an excellent addition to our group! I’ve posted our standard broadcast below; please feel more than welcome to reach out if you are interested! Hope I can talk with you soon! Best of luck in your search! (PS: Our standard broadcast says we are currently not looking for a tank, however, we’d be flexible for the right fit).

< Valor >

Server/Region/Zone: Arthas - US Eastern

Pete (GM) - Mom#11116 (BNet) or Chat Mom#4179 (Discord)
Chordle (Recruitment) - gwerdna#1257 (BNet) or gwerdna93#4767 (Discord)

Raiding Schedule:
Wednesday: 8:00 PM to 11:00 PM (US Eastern)
Thursday: 8:00 PM to 11:00 PM (US Eastern)

Current Needs: We currently have a heavy need ranged DPS and a average need for melee DPS. We could also use another healer or two, preferably a Monk, Shaman, Paladin, or Discipline Priest. Exceptional tanks will be considered, but our positions for tanking are currently filled. :slight_smile:

About Us: Valor is a close-knit Heroic raiding guild looking to maintain a semi-casual environment, prioritizing having fun while also progressing through the current raid tier at a consistent pace. Our core team also has many years of experience with raiding and guild management. We strive to foster an environment where World of Warcraft players can find a reliable group of people to play the game with, but also an environment where people can meet new friends, share some laughs, and generally enjoy the game. Outside of raid, we also look to run Mythic+, Transmog Runs, PvP, and even games outside of WoW.

Raiding Requirements: As we are a small group with an emphasis on friends, we are fairly open to receiving players at all levels of the game to be a part of our community. However, Valor is asking those interested in joining to achieve the following:

  • Average iLvl of 445+ for Heroic
  • Heart of Azeroth Level 75+
  • Normal and/or Heroic raid experience (not required, but a bonus!)
  • Raid logs from the current expansion (not required, but a bonus!)

On Thursday’s for a couple weeks I have a class. But let’s chat

I have the flu…so I’m gonna he chain running mythics!!!

My discord is Eyslinn#7415 and my bnet is eyslinn#1573, im the gm. We raid usually Tues/Sat & mythics Thurs/Sun. Times really vary on what suits the people raiding that day, we will have either an afternoon raid if its needed or usually evening. add me if u have any other questions :slight_smile:

Really interested in trying to heal as well :slight_smile:

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I am boosting a druid today. Anyone need heals or ranged?

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we could use a healer :slight_smile:

I can’t raid Saturday’s :frowning:

Or I can just be a fun mythic + guy until Shadowlands

Morning everyone! Just getting all my guys through the weekly mythics :slight_smile:

I’d be down to chat for sure! Just friend me on Discord or BNet and we can talk! :slight_smile:

Thats alright were actually choosing new raid/mythic days so if you do want to join let us know what day suits u best :slight_smile: also were running nyalotha in a few minutes if u want a test run with us.

Pally hit 450! Level 75 neck! LETS GO!

Productive day today!

Hey, I am the GM of Inept on Area 52, we could use a player like you for our core raid team. We raid tues/thur 8-11pm EST. Add me on btag and we can talk. Hotwire#1564

Shadowlands hype! Boomkin hype!!!

I ran some mythics with a WW monk. He was crushing the meters.

I need to learn these skills!