[H] Level 60 Unholy DK LF Guild!

Hello! I am returning to WoW and am looking to join a guild. Preferably one that focuses on dungeons/raids, not drama. My toon’s item level is 204. Currently spec’d Unholy. I have a flexible schedule at the moment so I can play anytime. I am willing to learn and get shtuff done. I’ll server hop if I have to not a problem, currently on Duskwood.

  • Abzanos (Level 60 DK)
  • Unholy Spec

Hi there. Our guild is on US-Illidan Horde. We raid Sat/Sun 7-9:30 PM Eastern, but we have a great atmosphere outside of raid as well. Would be interesting in talking more. Hit me up on Discord @ BlitzkriegDC#8703

Hey bud

We’re Dirty Mike and the Boys. We’re a raiding guild that raid H CN on Tuesday and Thursdays at 9PM EDT and Sundays normal CN.

We’re definitely looking for some DPS to join us on Mal’Ganis

We have a pretty great raid atmosphere and lots of fun and mature players

If you’re interested in checking us out before committing to anything, hit me up bank3i#1283 on bnet

Hey Vitolo,

Our guild is on Bleeding Hollow and around 9 weeks old. The name is Chads on Top and we’re 10/10H building our roster to push into Mythic.

Our raid times are Tues/Wed 8PM EST - 11 PM EST.

Let me know if you’re interested or feel free to add my discord! Sameclothes#8873

Hey there Abzanos!

<HØME> on Area 52 sounds like exactly what you’re looking for! We focus on getting content done and having a good time with good people. We have a zero tolerance policy on drama and toxicity and love helping people learn!

Hey Vito!

I’d love to chat with you about One Shot!

Add me on discord- Letholas#9581

Hi there,

Pyreanor is a smallish semi-hardcore guild on Wyrmrest Accord that is looking to build our community for heroic raiding in Shadowlands. We’re 10/10N 3/10H CN and are looking to progress farther.

We’re an inclusive guild with players ranging in age from 20-70+, with an LGBTQIA presence, and make reasonable accommodations to players with disabilities. Our core philosophy is that of Bill and Ted–to be excellent to each other.

We have an onboarding process that includes making sure people are pre-geared. We can gear someone in a day so gear literally doesn’t matter to us. If you’re willing to learn to play your class, learn the mechanics, get out of the bad, follow the directions, and tolerate our slightly-inebriated banter, you can play with us.

Our main goal is AotC by the end of Shadowlands without that one guy who yells in voice chat. We’re well on our way.

Our raid times are Tues Thurs at 6pm Pacific. (7 mountain, 8 central, 9 eastern.) We run about three hours.

Aside from the raiding aspirations, we have a weekly schedule and events almost every night of the week including Torghast night, Mythic+ key night, and a casual BG night. We reserve weekends for world tours, special events, and goofing off on alts.

We hope you will consider joining our crew of misfits in our journey to killing bosses and looting epics and make our core a little bigger.

Please let me know if you are interested via btag or Discord.

Zandrae#1418 / D: Zandrae#1418

< Saucy > - Thrall
Progression… 10/10 Heroic

Tentative Raid Schedule
Wednesday… 9:00pm EST - 12:30am EST

About Us
Saucy is a newly formed guild with the intention on creating a fun yet relaxed environment for everyday raiders to come and have fun. With the intention of progressing through next tier with a dedicated core of Mythic Raiders, we are opening recruiting now to push through content with the best group possible!


  • Tank(s) (All Classes Open)
  • Healer(s) (All Classes Open)
  • Melee DPS (All Classes Open)
  • Ranged DPS (All Classes Open)

What we are looking for:

  • Mature
  • Vocal (Have working Mic)
  • 90% Raid Attendance
  • Previous experience in a Mythic Setting

Please feel free to reach out with any questions!


< Soup or Guild > is a newly established Horde on Area-52 recruiting for Mythic level content.

We are currently 5/10M, our goal is to clear as much content as possible this tier, and maintain Cutting Edge going forward. Guild leadership and many of our raid team have a strong history of achieving Cutting Edge and similar progress on end game bosses from vanilla through BFA.

We raid strictly 6-hours a week each Tuesday and Thursday from 9pm-12am server time (EST). Given our aspirations and light schedule, we are seeking raiders who understand the importance of attendance and preparation.

While we will gladly speak to all exceptional applicants regardless of need, we are currently focusing recruitment on the following classes:
Melee DPS: 1 Death Knight
Ranged DPS: 1 Boomkin
Healer: n/a
Tank: n/a

Most of our raiders run multiple keys on mains and alts, so you will likely find other players willing to do Mythic Plus content of varying difficulty throughout the week. We also sometimes do Rated Battlegrounds on Friday evenings and are seeking more players interested in PVP content.

If you’re interested in joining us or learning more, feel free to reply here or contact us:
Liger#11271 on Bnet
Liger#5309 on Discord
zak#4618 on Discord

Looks like you’ve gotten lots of options to consider, but I’d like to throw my hat in the ring as well. We’re a small, fun group of friends on Thrall, and we’re accepting new members! Guild info in the link below, if it sounds like it could work for you, we’d love to chat with you and see if we could be a good fit! Hope to hear from you!

Hi there Vitolokisimo!

Check out Murloc Madness. We are a casual heroic only guild that aims for AOTC every tier while maintaining a relaxed, fun and positive atmosphere. We have been successful in achieving our goals since Legion. Hope to hear from you and best of luck in your search!

<Murloc Madness>
About Us: <Murloc Madness> is a casual heroic weekend raiding guild located on Area 52. When we’re not raiding, our members are hanging out in Discord playing various games together or just chatting.
Raid Schedule: Friday 10pm-1am EST & Saturday 9pm-1am EST
Progression: 10/10H CN | All BfA & Legion AOTC
More Info: https://www.wowprogress.com/guild/us/area-52/Murloc+Madness
Website: Apply at https://murlocmadness.enjin.com/

Officer: Aszuna (Discord: Aszuna#8963)
Spread the Madness!

Hyperbole on Tichondrius is filling out it’s roster to push Cutting Edge for 9.1. We raid on Saturday 5 - 9 PM PST and Sunday 5 - 8 PM PST. Add me on discord if you have any questions or are interested. Lucro#6215