Elves of the North, the elven army of Silvermoon, is Recruiting!
Bal’a dash, malanore. War is upon us, so I’ll get right to the point.
As we’ve seen from the past week, Silvermoon City and the lands of Quel’thalas have become a target of the Alliance. In a brazen act of unprovoked aggression, members of several Alliance militias sought to invade our capital city.
((see post at (WWED) Battle of Silvermoon City ))
The army of Silvermoon, supported by our honorable allies, successfully repelled those enemies… for now. Our city was destroyed once before, leaving only a remnant of our people. We will not make the mistake of complacency.
Thalassian military efforts are ramping up and we are in search of Sin’dorei and Shal’dorei to join our Ranger ranks. ((We welcome Blood Elf and Nightborne, as we are an all-elf guild)).
What do I do as a Ranger in Elves of the North?
Rangers are responsible for the defense of Silvermoon, and ensuring the security of the lands of Quel’thalas, in the Northern portion of the Eastern Kingdoms ((hence, Elves of the North)).
Weekly WPVP - Our Rangers do weekly patrol runs and attacks on Alliance outposts.
RP-WPVP – We are currently engaged in a broader campaign to secure the defense of our homeland and surgically take the fight to the Alliance across Azeroth. ((Currently running a 2-3month RP-WPVP campaign, in other words, story driven WPVP encounters. We also incorporate RP elements into our regular WPVP activities)).
BGs / Arena - We train in battlegrounds and the arena, to sharpen our warrior skills.
Gear Up – Warfronts, Mythic Dungeons, and other activities have a purpose – arming our soldiers for the broader war.
RP - And of course, we offer a variety of leisure activities to keep our Rangers engaged, entertained, and rejuvenated after a hard day of punishing the Alliance. ((We are regulars at Horde Bar Nights, and we also create our own events for guildies)).
Of course, you don’t have to become a Ranger to join the Elves of the North . ((Civilian rank supports leveling/questing and those who want to join, RP etc, but aren’t into WPVP… yet ))
We welcome all Sin’dorei and Shal’dorei to come home to the crown jewel city of the North, Silvermoon, and enjoy the benefits and protection of Quel’thalas.
How do I join Elves of the North?
If you are interested, have any questions, or would like a ginvite, contact myself or one of our Ranger-Captains in-game. You can also find me on the Horde RP discord server.
Also see our ad in the upcoming issue of the Redwood Times!
-Aeythyr - Ranger-General, Elves of the North