[H] <Elves of the North> is Recruiting!

The Swiftsilver Cartel appreciates the longstanding, and mutually profitable business agreements we have had with our loyal customers, Elves of the North. We look forward to negotiating a new deal with the new leadership. We appreciate your business!


Yes, it was quite enjoyable logging on guildless with no mail or any reason why. I was a bit surprised but also not surprised considering the leadership. Extremely narcissistic and was starting to go in a direction away from RP. The gm was too focused on wpvp which was fine, but at the same time was too focused on himself. Example: We were wpvp’ing against Kill Order one night and the GM caused a literal wipe because he made sure all of the healers would focus on healing him first and foremost. And because he was in the front, all of the healers were forced to heal only him, causing other players to get picked off, myself included. That was the last day I WPvP’d with EotN. If you could’ve only heard the discord chat at the time. Extremely arrogant leadership on certain fronts and not so much on others. I bid good luck to Lestat and others, I know Lestat was a decent officer and appeared to be more RP focused which was nice.

Your guild does not dictate all the lore lmao. Lore wise, our guild is certainly alive. We didn’t disband over petty things, it was for very good reason that will be known soon. Do not join GoS, they want to be the RP police!


The new guild is very RP focused.


Best of luck on the rebuild, guys. :wink: And certainly no one controls others’ roleplay.


Good luck EOTN friends. Hope all is well.

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I cannot speak about it due to the circumstances of what happened, but I know what happened and can promise, it was not do to the fault of anybody in the guild right now, nor the GM or any of the Co-GM’s. In terms of why it won’t happen again, we plan on simply being more careful in the future. If you are interested in joining, hit up my btag: Jordrend#1941, maybe as an orc you could be person sent with good faith from Orgrimmar to show support for Quel’thalas.

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I was extremely intoxicated when I wrote that last post. :sweat_smile: I’m very sorry. You owe me least of all any sort of explanation.

Thankyou, and yes Guardians of Silvermoon is both a Rp and wpvp guild, but we will doing all aspects of the game as well. All Elves and Nightborne are welcome to join.

You guys should request one of the two recruitment topics you own to be removed.

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Thanks for hosting the event the other night.

I remember you guys from WoD. Hope the rebuild is going well for you.

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