[h] 10/10m 2 day w/th 7:30-11pst recruiting

Recruiting all roles for mythic roster still :slight_smile:

10 more days!!!

High need of tank and rdps

It’s so close

Dms are open friends

we’re almost there ahh!!


I’m looking for specifically a Wed/Thu guild! Dropping a post here so I remember to check you all out later.

Sounds good I’ll talk to you soon :relaxed:

Join us :slight_smile:

High priority: Brewmaster, Hpaladin, havoc, dps warrior, Ranged dps

Bumpity Bump

Still have spots open for our mythic core!

from the top make it drop

i hope everyones first week has been going well!

12/12M Blood DK, with Prot Paladin alt.
Top 100xp.

oneblood#1110 btag
Spooky#0044 discord

My co-tank is a 12/12M Brew master. Multi rank 1 Glad. Hes already alliance, may be interested in playing as a DPS.

:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

we also need someone that can flex healing :slight_smile:

We still have spots open :slight_smile: