[h] 10/10m 2 day w/th 7:30-11pst recruiting

Still looking for healers (hpal,rsham), havoc dh, and any exceptional dps players.

We have room to bring people next week

Healers and dps add me :clown_face:

Looking to round out or roster for mythic, will most likely be clearing heroic with spots open.

where the havoc players at :thinking:

i would love a havoc player

Still looking to bring a few more people in this week. Please reach out asap

have an immediate spot open for DH dps player :smiley:

5/10N tonight looking for more dps and flex healers :slight_smile:

7/10n looking for dh and monk for sludgefist and permanent roster spots

Imagine ur only melee being a hpally… couldn’t be us

Havoc and WW msg me asap :slight_smile:

Recruiting meleee

a big bump

you’ve been gnomed

Pug heroic tonight

any ww/mw players?

Still have spots open for melee and flex healers

hello everyone

recruiting all exceptional dps