GY Camped by twinks

So? Again, no ss’s

yes, something does not add up. She is using one char for a reference. Clearly with 300 honor level she has done lots of bg’s.

User results may vary.
If you are finding yourself constantly contained in the GY with your teammates, it might be time to try some different options.

Where are all of these ss?

Yep, Dear Henry dear Henry!


Max level.

Isn’t honor account wide now?

1 Like Legion and this expansion I did a lot of max level BGs. And yes, honor is account wide now which is why I find it funny someone who does so many bgs just hit level 30

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actually I am level 35 now. I only play like 3 or 4 months out of the year however because I own a construction business. Living in the upper Midwest I have time in the winter to play a bit, spring summer and fall I have no time at all. So what I am doing now is leveling 6 allied toons for the heritage armor. And being that I have made 3 horde toons now I am making a couple regular toons as well. The low level of honer possible is from being camped in lots of battlegrounds where you do not get much honor for being gy stomped.

yes, it is. When I am in a bg I look at the other team on the roster, it shows the honor levels. The highest one I have seen is like 220. So what I am saying is having 300 honor is not very common and someone that has done tons of bg’s. To say that her warlock she is leveling is her source for her info is kind of misleading. There is more to the story.

Well then Blizzard should cater to more active players then, people who play all year long. ya, my max level bgs…

sure, then we need metrics. And if we do that then we should do a metric on how many twinks there actually are in comparison to non twinks. Then we could have the info we need to just do away with twinking if they are not the majority. That is what you are saying right? If there are more active non twinks then by by twinks.

Or they could just keep doing what they are doing since queues are popping in every bracket just fine.


or you could not be coy and misleading, you really should be more honest.

1 Like

I’m as honest as they come

ok, so your jesus. Gotcha.

Whoever “they” is must be pretty dishonest then.

Well no, no one is that awesome.

What am I dishonest about?

see, vague, coy, and willfully ignorant.

Twinking ruins regular bg’s tbh, this coming from someone who’s twinked since wotlk.

I’d much prefer being able to level alts through 50-110 brackets and not have 2-5 twinks on 1 or both teams destroying everyone.