GY Camped by twinks

You call me jesus, and I say no so I’m vague, coy, and willfully ignorant?

well you say you do not lie, that makes you perfect right?

Wait, do you lie?

I have yes, I am human. You said you are as honest as they come, so have you ever lied?

LoL, you never had to work with marketing did you?
The ideal customer is one who has a six month recuring sub but only plays once a week for about an hour or less.

More pay less play.

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Not on here.

That will not happen even if we went back a decade ago when separation was a thing. Geared characters will find their way into any Battleground they want.
No need to disrupt the population, when balance is an option.

Nice Ramstein’s :ok_hand:

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This is true. As long as your sub is active, it doesn’t matter how much you play.

yes, but geared or not, they will get exp.

Atleast then they had to level out or somehow try stall a bg, and I have 500,000+ hk’s, i’ve only seen people hold a flag to farm gy maybe 10 times ever.

Now they can stay there permenantly and literally destroy the entire BG experience below 120 with no risk.

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Like I’m during right now, even with twinks here

ya, but if twinks get their own cue then in a reg cue they will get exp, so the twinks will have to keep rerolling.

I haven’t seen this yet out of 70 BGs

Like that’s a problem for them?

not my monkey, not my circus. I am more worried about fair gameplay for new players.

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There was no leveling out.
Rerolls were another issue, hit 30 and make another hunter.
The forums explode with salty tears, history repeats itself.

Then you should be arguing against enchanted heirlooms and questing gear as well.

try to stay on topic, that is another discussion. quit moving the goalposts.

are you crying over this still? Need a hug?

Not moving the goalposts. Twinks are about gear, heirloom is a one time purchase piece of gear good up until level 110 which can be enchanted and scales with you. Like I said, put new players in a bracket since they lack experience as well.