Guys we should of known night elves worship a robot

I’d look more around six months rather than two or more years.

Or, as far as recently, three days ago…

Okay and? What exactly do you think your proving? You’re acting like this is some new revelation

Night Elves got screwed over…

Forsaken are quite literally forsaken these days as well.

Not that I am saying its right for both factions to lose a beloved race but it is fair. :frowning: I suppose.

Regardless, the way this was handled is God tier of bad writing…

If they are smart they can still rather easily fix the writing for both races. The problem is that they aren’t smart and that’s why we have travesties like Calia and Sira, and the NW arc.


Maybe “Judgment” chapter will address Night Elves, Forsaken as well as Sylvanas’ fate in a classy matter.

Doubtful but it is possible. Blizzard seem to be different these days (a bit better…but I have seen this before so I am still cautious).

I never denied that. I just said that I as a person didn’t care to joke about teldrassil and than you got obessesed with thinking I said I didn’t care about NE fans

You’re not disproving what you think you are

My favorite wolf…how are you doing? Still fighting the good fight in the lore forums?

I made no statements of disproving anything. If anything, not making jokes at Night Elf fan expense is in line with what I’ve been pointing out.

Yep, still fighting for more worgen content :wolf: :stuck_out_tongue:


Worgen Content?? Yes please.

along side helping the gnomes finally retake their home city would be nice…I mean those dudes have been trying for 15+ years…lol

I never claimed I didn’t care about NE fans, so again what did you think pointing out the obvious was going to prove?

It was rather upsetting that the Darkspear got to win back the Echo Isles finally, and Gnomes got kicked out of Gnomeregan again.


I think any response I give only proves as much as the replies you keep repeating.

one would think with the Mechagnones brethen by their side that they can finally push back the leper gnomes and troggs…

I think blizz honestly forgot gnomes exist :wolf: :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yes, I care about NE fans. What do you THINK you’re proving?

taking us back to the land of the living would be a nice change of pace…I grow tired of McNipples big baddie and these “Eternal Ones”.

Don’t even get me started on these alleged “First Ones”

I don’t even know what the lore is anymore in Shadowlands…its too convoluted…

Can you even call the lore in SL lore though? It all seems super disjointed and doesn’t really add anything good to the overall story :wolf:

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