Guys we should of known night elves worship a robot

Here read this btw
The Draenei poster is me
Also read this

I did not call you a Night Elf fan. I was pointing out that you have cared. Several times you have brought up the feelings of Night Elf fans alongside Gilnean fans when posters that been trying to belittle their feelings (yes, I saw it again when looking through a search of your posts). You have just jumped onto siding against Night Elf fans again, as you tend to side with whoever you’re feeling closest too at the moment.


I actually haven’t recently, but you’re welcome to think that though.

Doesn’t explain the existance of the organic things that eat the robots, and turn the robots into organic things.

That just seems like a set up to make the Old Gods our saviors from this 3D printed hellscape of Absolute Order.

Absolute Order sucks, it’s boring, it’s so 2020-2022 lets bring on the reign of The Black Empire in 2023.

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I’m honestly curious what the elemental hellscape looked like when the Elemental Lords reigned and we’re all battling each other for supremacy.

Black Empire in its glory is cool too :wolf:

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One… they aren’t robots, they’re living constructs that are of a mystic, not technic nature.

Two… The oracle lists all of the beings that were created by name. Elune isn’t one of them.

Three… The meaning of “Sister” isn’t confined to imply blood relations any more than “brother” does.

Chances are the Void Lords(who are pretty much the Pantheon of Shadow built within Zereth Lumen) based the Old Gods on the 7th Cosmic Force…

There is the concerning note that the First Ones are supposedly to have set up all realms, so if the automa are the standard for them that doesn’t bode well for Elune, nor really any other ‘greater power’ which is very concerning.

Agreed. If there is one silver lining from the elven perspective it is the exposure of their goddess for what she is. Free yourselves my elven friends. An eternity of injustice meted out by your “goddess” must be responded to. Do not avert your eyes and hide in the safe comforts of old truths.

Because precursor civilizations are always, eventually, robots.

If the First Ones built the automa and all machine life in the universe…than who built the First Ones? I don’t think blizz understands the can of worms they just opened :wolf: :stuck_out_tongue:


It’s more like they know that the vast majority of their audience doesn’t overthinik things to that extent any more than they do.

I didn’t say recently.

Whatever happened 2+ yrs ago is in the past. I’ve said a lot of dumb things back than :wolf:

INB4 when Warcraft plagiarizes the Mass Effect ending.

All along, Warcraft was a discussion about Artificial Intelligence. Who knew.

We are going to finally meet a First One, and they’ll be all
“Rudimentary creature of blood and flesh. You touch my mind, fumbling in ignorance, incapable of understanding… We are eternal. The pinnacle of evolution and existence. The time of our return is coming. I am the Vanguard of your destruction.”

It looked like a duck. Not kidding.


Please. Don’t. I loved Mass Effect until that ending and then Star Trek: Picard decided to also use that ending. I just can’t take it anymore.

If it’s a duck mothering space squid mad about AI for WoW too I will scream.

For the love of God why does anyone think that’s clever or interesting? Duck mothering robo squids were the worst part of the Matrix. Why do people keep using them?!

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The duck eggs from which they hatched from.

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Pesky duck ninjas :wolf: :stuck_out_tongue:

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Everything seems to be robots now;

The Titans - arcane planet robots that make robots
Wild Gods - animals empowered by robots
The Eternal Ones of the Shadowlands - robots
The Burning Legion - demons under the command of a robot gone rogue
The First Ones - the robots that made all other robots
Elune - a robot apparently
The Naaru (assuming the Naaru connection to Elune hasn’t been retconned) - made by a robot