Guys we should of known night elves worship a robot

I care about Gilneas….I never claimed to care about teledrassil. Doesn’t mean I can’t be sympathetic towards the PLAYERS who feel blizzard did them wrong.

There’s a difference. :wolf:

Your own words dispute what you are claiming here.
Just say you no longer care and then you will be consistent.

Never claimed to care about teldrassil :eyes:

The quote amadis dug up was about the PLAYERS getting of both events getting closure they deserve.

Basic reading 101

You directly state you count yourself among a group that care enough to get mad over teldrassil and gilneas.

Perhaps you don’t know the meaning of the words you say? If you don’t care then why be mad at all?

What part of PLAYERS of BOTH events deserve closure, are you struggling with? Is it the BOTH part? Or that I was speaking about two seperate events?

I and others it seems struggle with you both freely associating yourself among people that say they care but then claim they don’t for whatever reason.

Besides I wasn’t the one that dug up this quote. I only wanted you to understand what Amadis was getting at.

I don’t want to argue with you. The message has been sent. Accept it or don’t.

I know what I said. And Amadis digging up a quote of me talking about GILNEAS and Teldrassil and that fans of both sides deserve closure doesn’t suddenly mean I’m a NE fan.

You and Amadis can use whatever grade school logic you want. It’s not changing what I actually said. You can see what isn’t there all you want

I’m surprised your here turgin with the amount of lore posting you do

How so?

/10 char

I mean you usually post on GD your lore essays. What MMORPG are you moving into btw

One day?


When Blizzard figures out that the story is vital to player retention.

I only just resubbed and have not been following the story that closely. Is this a real thing, or is the OP a troll?

It was a joke. Or it started out as one anyway. SF is a bit weird like that :stuck_out_tongue:

These days? I honestly would not be all that surprised if Blizzard did something like this.

It is a real thing, ie, Elune being a robot is >90% likely, being the Winter Queen’s sister (likely sharing the same Progenitor) and a creation of the First Ones in the realm of Life ( ordered at Zereth Vitae or whatever nonsense)…
But OP is also a troll.

A little bit from Column A, a little bit from Column B.

Farnath is poking a little fun, but the basic premise is true; both the Eternal Ones (Pantheon of Death) and the Titans (Pantheon of Order) were supposedly created by the First Ones. We learn in Zereth Mortis and the new raid that the Eternal Ones have, as Danuser put it, “3-D printed bodies” that are effectively robots and the strong implication of this is that the other Pantheons were created much the same. Elune, being now solidly a member of an unnamed and undeveloped “Pantheon of Life” would therefore also have a robot body.

So Elune is a robot. Everything’s a robot. Azerothians are robots created and shaped by robots.


That’s what confuses me. Yven has suggested it before, but it does appear that the SPIRITS of the Eternal Ones were put into robotic bodies so they would carry out the First Ones directives more efficiently.

Isn’t possible the First Ones simply killed the real gods and stuffed them all in to robot bodies instead? :wolf:

(It’s my headcannon and I’m sticking to it :stuck_out_tongue:)

I dunno if the Firsties killed the various pantheons. I’m thinking more along the lines of the pantheons were divine spirits that lacked physical forms, and the Firsties just made them robot bodies as avatars so they could enact their own wills (the Pantheons’ wills, not the Firsties, though it’d be the Firsties’ programming that directed that will) upon the world.


I guess that also works. It’s a sound theory :wolf:

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I think the problem is the way I word my topics come across very trolly. Like I need to do better I know that I can if I’m passionate enough about something

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