I dont know, your argument has no counter points listed so i guess we dont know until you put some meat on the framework of your statements. Again, why would you use multi-boxed warlocks for summoning if it didnt work well? Are you trying to say that there is no adavantage? But if there is no advantage, why do they use it and why does it work so well if it isnt an advantage? Youre going to have a hard time saying it doesnt work and doesnt give you advantage when people are actively utilizing it for the purpose of advantage. They sure dont do it because it makes them summon slower.
I get it, you’re so special that you feel that the game should cater to your ridiculous demands.
Thank god you’re not in charge.
You know no one is going to read that mess.
Im sorry, Im waiting for a logical counter-argument.
i read it and its pointless either you try harder or you never see a world boss
You’ve already ignored a dozen of them.
“i read it and its pointless either you try harder or you never see a world boss” Again, you arent making any factual points.
i dont need to ignore the mutiboxer and have 40 of your guild log out there
A) I don’t have any ridiculous demands.
B) Those in charge agree with me. Multiboxing is a legit way to enjoy the game.
GREAT IDEA! Oh, so to counter the advantage of one multiboxer warlock I just need all 40 people parked at all of the world bosses all of the time! But the multi-boxer still doesnt have any unfair advantage, right? Again, you make my points for me.
Here’s an idea, we get rid of the multiboxer and he starts trying as hard as you want the rest of us to try just to offset his advantage.
Sounds like the multiboxer is the one not really trying hard in your suggestion.
do you not know how world boss spawns work you can predict spawn windows world bosses have rules on when they spawn if you guys follow the spawn windows you can get a high amount of world bosses my world boss collation gets about 90% of the 2 bosses and you can wipe guilds doing kazzak by suicide into him letting your other raid if you have one kill him
Multi-boxing isn’t going anywhere. It is all but endorsed by Blizzard. Calling it “unfair” doesn’t make it unfair…and not doing it just means you have a guild unwilling to do what it necessary to win.
There is a reason world-bosses don’t really exist anymore, the effort needed to win just really isn’t worth it. Pre-parking people is what you need to do if you’re unwilling to multi-box yourself…in Everquest it was not unusual to have an entire guild of 150+ people pre-parked in 2 or 3 locations on multiple alts simply because that was what was requires to beat the other guy.
if its the last day of a spawn window park your whole guild there if your going to do this super causal then you will have a high chance at the boss without summons or 24/7 camping you will just miss early bosses
Geeez so much wahhhhh
We all know the spawn times. Your suggestion is that to counter the multibox warlock that I need to just have alot of individual people standing in the World boss spawn location. Why?
Because if we dont do that then there’s no other way to effectively counter a multibox warlock doing lots of summons.
Your suggestions to negate the multibox warlock’s unfair adavantage are making my points for me.
Multi-boxing requires one person to be online and have characters parked in the appropriate spot.
Non-multi-boxing requires three people to be online and have characters parked in the appropriate spot.
But… if you’re summoning a raid, then obviously you would have lots of people online already, so I don’t see how the two extra people make any practical difference.
“Having characters parked at the appropriate spot” seems like the real sticking point here, and that’s no different for the multiboxer. He did the work to level up those chars and park them at the appropriate spot. If you’re unwilling to do the same, then I found your problem.
Because its faster.
This has nothing to do with multi-boxing…and everything to do with someone else or some other guild being more prepared and having more time than you.
Nope. Its about a multiboxer giving a guild an unfair advantage because they dont want to do the “hard work” that youre saying everyone who isnt multiboxing should do if they want world bosses. Again, you make my points for me. The whole point of the multiboxer is so the guild in question doesnt have to try hard like others are doing.
How do you even know that they are multi-boxing?..it could very easily just be a well coordinated attempt by several different accounts.