Guilds using multi-boxer warlocks to lockdown world bosses

No, theyre open about it. They arent hiding it. And as long as blizz says it ok, they shouldnt have to hide it. Im just proposing Blizz change the policy.

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Your guild is choosing to not try as hard as him. That is not “unfair” that is lazy.

They’re breaking no rules, multi-boxing is allowed. You may not like it, but if something is allowed it cannot be “unfair” by definition.


Okay…but they, or you for that matter, could get the same exact results without multi-boxing. You just have to coordinate it a little better.

It’s not like what they are doing isn’t totally possibly without the use of a multi-box…

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Well, we’re trying harder because we have more single accounts trying to do what they do with just one acount. These guys are beating us to world bosses not by minutes or hours. Im talking less than a minute in most circumstances, but multibox summons are what make the difference.

They arent “trying harder”, they just have one guy multi-boxng summons so they dont have to try as hard as us, because if they didnt have that multibox, theyd lose alot of world bosses to us.

Again, we’re talking less than a minute most of the time.

Sounds like you could be trying harder. There are faster ways to get a raid force there but you’re unwilling to do it.

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Lol. No they wouldn’t.


World bosses have been ruined by specific guilds on almost all realms

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Again, the only suggestion you guys have on speed is have everyone already logged out at the spawn points. There is no counter to fast multibox summons besides that. But if they are trying harder than us, why dont they dont they all just log out next to the boss as well? Because the multibox summons is the advantage they need.

You know the options, its your choice to make use of them or not.

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This thread is painful to read. So many people deliberately misrepresenting the OP’s point, or only addressing portions of his post instead of the whole thing.

People are far more interested in being hypocritical or daft than to have an actual discussion. Very sad.

only 3 hours - gimmie secret.

Like I said, you admit there are no logical counters because you know the multibox summons advantage is real, which is why they use it. And that’s fine, but the onlypeople not really “trying hard” are th epeople relying on the multibox summons to gain unfair advantage over single account players.

But then be ready when people lobby Blizz to eliminate the advantage and dont QQ about it because you arent willing to try hard because you know you cant hang without the multiboxer.

Wasn’t this supposedly an issue before? From EQ1 through Vanilla?

The result was removal of world bosses, not the removal of multi-boxing.

What is the definition of insanity again?


I gave you a counter to it, its much faster than having to summon people. You keeping saying “no logical counter” over and over and people are literally telling you how to beat it.

You keep saying this. To be “unfair” they have to be breaking rules…by the literal definition. It cannot be possibly unfair if they’re not breaking the rules, that is what the word literally means.

Im not telling you to stop doing it. You arent breaking rules. Keep doing it because I know you dont want to “try hard” like you suggest everyone else do. Im just making my case for blizzz to stop you so we can see if youre willing to work as hard for world bosses as you say the rest of us should be. But you are hypocrites.

Your whole argument is that it is “unfair.” It literally cannot be unfair if it is within the rules…and we know multiboxing isn’t going anywhere.

PS: I am also on your server, and we know the effort required to win a world boss isn’t worth it. But we don’t complain about it.

If things werent deemed to be exploited or give unfair advantage occasionally, then Blizz wouldnt patch or change things. Nothing in the rules says we cant request a change if we think its warranted. Sound slike you are trying to be the victim now, which is strange because I know you love to “try hard” so you should love doing things without your multiboxer if you love hard work soooo much, right? Because youre so about hard work that you’ll beat us without him, right? Dont tell me youre scared of “hard work”?

We have 15 years of history to show that multiboxing is all-but endorsed by Blizzard and isn’t going anywhere?

Wat? We know exactly the effort needed to get a world boss kill and it simply isn’t worth it. I am not trying to be a victim or anything of the sort. I was just trying to give you context on how silly your petty personal attacks were…and continue to be.

So wait, you gave up on world bosses and yet youre telling the rest of us to “Try harder”? :smiley: Lol, Im done for today.

We know the choices, and we made them. I am not on the forums crying about being beat…feel free to do the same.

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