Guilds using multi-boxer warlocks to lockdown world bosses

Or the players level together in the same manner and time the multiboxer did it. Not to mention that if you don’t have people online then how are you doing the boss at all? Will it just be one multiboxer taking down the boss?

No, it’s pretty easy to do this without multiboxing. It’s really not much of an advantage with world bosses.

Just because you play more doesn’t make you more efficient per action. Multi-boxing does make your playtime more efficient because instead of a toon doing a single action/quest/attack/etc, you have multiple toons doing it simultaneously instead of sequentially.

First off, you’re not going to lock down anything. Do you think that only one guild on a server does this? Get your head checked.

Second, I feel like you’ve never even seen a world boss if you think that “hurr durr I’ll just have a bunch of warlock summons and we’ll lock it down”. Maybe on a dead server that might be possible, or maybe with a 3am spawn and no one in zone.

I’ve been on almost every Azuregos kill since they went live and probably 3/4 of the Kazzak kills. The first 30-60min are spent in massive pvp until one faction givers up or gets put on long enough rez timers for a group to get a solid pull in.

If your argument is “Pay to win”, well that’s been Blizzard’s philosophy since tokens were introduced.

Apparently you didnt read my original post. This is on a RP-PVE server, so there is no PVP for world bosses, so there goes your whole PVP theory on that.

The multiboxer warlock can summon more people much faster to the world boss, even though theoretically both guilds have the same amount of actual players logged on. The ability to “swarm” the world boss via multibox summoners is a huge advantage.

So RP someone with multiple accounts.

Dont assume, because you would be wrong in your assumption.

People don’t post on their mains when they have something to hide. You don’t want people to make those types of assumptions then don’t hide behind retail alts.

They should do neither of those things.

However, if you think they are doing something they shouldn’t be doing, report them and let Blizz sort it out.

Lol, I didnt know I was “hiding”. My classic account is named the same as my retail. But do go on assuming. I just picked an account to post on, I dont really care enough to"hide" purposefully. What would I be hiding for?

See you say I’m making assumptions about how many world bosses you’ve seen but then you make a comment like this which completely ignores how the death mechanic works for world dragons.

I’ve two mages hold off an entire guild by sheeping healers and tanks but you’re the one that plays on a PVE-RP server, unlike the significant majority of players, so maybe, just maybe you should not be asking for gameplay changes that would impact the entire playerbase so you can feel a little more cozy in your safe little PVE space.

There’s ways to make people flag in huge group gatherings.

Cool story. Doesn’t help me much to make them flag if Im alliance and they’re alliance, even on a PVP server. And the entire player-base would not be effected by my proposal, just the very small amount of players who multi-box, so dont act like Im proposing some game changing stuff by somehow removing multi-boxers from the game equation. The game will not suffer if multi-boxers are either banned or given their own space to play. There’s nothing about the game that removing multi-boxers would adversely effect. Any other cool stories about your personal PVP prowess that would address the original thread topic?

Not that much faster. I log in with my lock and 2 other accounts to start summoning.

You log into your lock alt. Your two guild mates hop into their alts. You 3 start summoning.

If you have the people on and act fast enough, the fact that they are Multiboxing is moot. They are able to mobilize as a guild that much faster. They have people logout there and play other tools. They don’t go more than 20 feet from their comp for days on end.

Don’t blame Multiboxing for you not getting World Boss kills.

You seem to be very ill informed. In Vanilla already, the most organized guild were camping the world boss spawns with low level alts and 20ish warlocks to summon.

It’s a legit game mechanic. Either be better organized, or just accept you can’t get world bosses.

you dont even need multiple computers to multibox only your main even has to render the game for you to see in high quality /more frames limit quality cap your frames on the other accounts

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Stop crying and be patient. There is only so much loot to get from those bosses. Wait your turn if you cant compete.

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You just admitted they have an advantage in your statement by saying “not much faster”. You made my point.

In the moments it takes you to do do all those steps you listed, those multibox locks summoned several people more than you did and already pulled and tagged the boss.

And again using your own statement, I just need multiple people online to have the same summoning power as one multi-box player.

If multiboxing locks for world boss summoning wasn’t a real advantage, they wouldn’t do it in the first place.

Sounds exactly like EverQuest Call-of-the-Hero races.


You do realize that your argument is both factually untrue and ridiculous, correct?

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are you guys trying to take world bosses as a solo guild cause that would be your problem try teaming together with at least 5 guilds with round the clock watches and about 10 locks or most people logged out at the world boss during high chance spawn windows

The way you beat it is having your whole guild camped out there so there is no need to even be summoned. When the batphone goes out, everyone logs in and is ready to go.

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