On my classic server (Bloodsail Buccaneers, RP-PVE Realm), we have a guild that was formerly on a private server that has several multi-boxers. They have their multi-boxers create “teams” of warlocks and stake out all of the worldboss locations. As soon as a world boss appears, they are able to swarm via multiple warlock summons before any other guild can get people there. We have tried staking out warlocks of our own, but even if we do get a warlock or two staking out a worldboss spawn point, it is impossible to compete with a multi-boxer who can just summon in masses of people quickly.
I understand that multi-boxing isnt against ToS, but back in the day when blizz first released the world-bosses multi-boxers werent an issue they had to deal with or design around. I dont mind them in retail, but multi-boxing is allowing this one guild to get damn near close to every world boss kill despite several other guilds doing their best to be competitive.
Basically, if your guild doesnt have a team of multiboxed warlocks staked out at each world-boss location, you have no chance of downing the boss because you cant summon in people fast enough.
PLEASE! Blizz should either outlaw multiboxers on classic, or make a dedicated server where all them can go play with other multiboxers.
We did this in vanilla, this isn’t abnormal at all.
No one said its abnormal, read the post. I said it gives an unfair advantage and allows for one guild to dominate world bosses by projecting a bigger footprint of warlock summons than they could normally have access to with single-box players. Pay-2-Win advantage that isnt based on any skill.
Hi Sylv! Im in your guild too, CoR. But which one am I?? I guess the world will never knoooww
What exactly is preventing you from doing this?
It takes me ~3 hours to get a warlock to level 20. I spend another 20g or get a guild warlock to help summon to location. Get a couple other people in guild to make lvl 1 alts to help click and summon them there also.
This really sounds like a YOU problem.
Not even a multiboxing issue, you just need a bunch of warlocks.
Multiboxing offers no advantage here.
If you really wanted those world bosses you would have put a level 20 lock there and aided with the summons.
They just are more committed to getting the kills than most.
I have a lvl 20 warlock parked at DireMaul North for buffs, another 2x 20 warlock parked at Goldshire/Mulgore for Darkmoon Faire, another one at Azuregos and another one at Kazzak. Total effor was maybe 15 hours of leveling time since last August and another 1-2 hours in logistics to get them there.
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Here’s the flaw in your "you’re not committed enough’ argument. In the case of the multiboxer, they need just one account to be online to be able to project multiple summons to the same place at the same time. If you dont multibox, you need several people all online and all with warlocks alts at every world boss location to have that same kind fo response time. Pretty easy to understand. And if werent an advantage, the multiboxers wouldnt do it, so dont try and play off like you dont know that youre getting an advantage. In addition lets say you multi-box leveled 6 warlock alts in 30 hours to 20, now figure that 6 non multi-boxers each have to spend 30 hours each leveling a single warlock alt to 20, so it takes them a combined total of 180 play hours to do what you did as an individual in just 30. The advantage is pretty obvious. It has nothing to do with how dedicated I am, I cant have 6 toons in one place all summoning at once unless I multibox. Pretty simple.
Each character online requires one account.
Five warlocks online requires five accounts.
Granted, in the case of a multiboxer, that would only require one person, as opposed to five people.
You need 1 warlock at level 20 and 2 lvl 1s to click a portal. Three people to summon an entire guild.
Nothing about what you said makes any sense; if there is a world boss alive people are going to be online.
All you’re complaining about are people who are more efficient.
If you’re multiboxing it take 3 hour to get 1 account to level 20, or it takes 3 hours to get 10 accounts to lvl 20.
If its taking you 30 hours to get to lvl 20 the problem is definitely on your end.
Let me rephrase, the multiboxer requires one player/person to be online to manage multiple accounts/toons.
I have just resigned my self to the fact that I will never see a world boss on this play through. Honestly not that big of a deal
Oh, so multi-boxng is more efficient? Im glad you admitted you have an advantage. But its not about efficiency really, because your efficiency just requires more money to level multiple accounts simultaneously.
And it doesnt matter if you go to level 20 in 3 hours or 30 (its just an example), you are leveling those multiple accounts simultaneously, and a non-multi-boxer with the same skill level has to do them sequentially. Pretty big time advantage.
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you can multi box too people did in vanilla as well
they wont change anything over this
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As others have said, it only takes three parked characters to begin the summon chain.
The parked warlock only needs to be level 20, and the other two can be as low as you like.
If you can’t manage to have three characters parked and waiting for summons, this really does sound like a lack of commitment on your end.
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So is playing 10 hours each day. Those people have an advantage over those who can only play 2 hours each day.

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So I just need to purchase multiple accounts and multiple PC’s and then I can be a multi-boxer too that can lockdown all of the world bosses for my guild? That’s called “Pay-2-Win”.
I guess I just don’t know why you’re complaining about something you can do yourself, it isn’t difficult and it was something people did 15 years ago.
I mean at least you don’t have a raid of 40 lvl 20 warlock alts to put soulstones on an entire raid.
Some people are just contrary by nature I guess.
so its pay to win, blizzard hasnt banned them yet and they wont now.
boxers have done a lot worse than this too. they never promised it would not be “pay to win”