Guildie got AH scammed, threatening to unsub and delete her account

Yes, I assure you, he is wrong. That is not price gouging. Literally google it. That is a free market. The person who bought these 2500g potions had to first click on the potions listed @2500g, click buyout, and then finally, click a SECOND TIME TO CONFIRM that they wish to purchase X good for Y cost.

Be smarter with your money.


Ah, ok so we’re arguing semantics here.

Blizzard won’t reverse the transaction. The OP should have double checked the prices before buying, like Blizzard’s CoC warns you to.

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But why would they? There are no limits to what you can set as a buyout price even as it pertains to the “market value” of the item at the time.

Where do they draw the line? How much is too much?

If you refund her 2.5k why can’t you refund my 2?

In your opinion

For the same reason they reverse other types of scams, because it’s not in their best interest to have predatory players driving paying customers away from their game

No, in Blizzard’s opinion, as the OP says:

Please make sure to read the OP.

If Blizzard stated that they will not reverse a transaction then you’re correct.

They didn’t… so you’re not

If the email tittle was ‘‘im taking money from your bank account’’, then yes thats a good comparison.

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Thios, you’re morally bankrupt so of course you can’t see how it’s dishonest.

Do you post items on the AH for 1 copper bid, and 2,500g buy out?

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Yes, they did. Once again, the OP has already said this. Please read the OP, it’s the post directly underneath the title. The OP’s friend contacted Blizzard about it and didn’t help her, which is why the OP says right here:

I’m afraid I can’t have a discussion with you if you refuse to read the OP. That’s what this entire thread is about.

Them not helping her does not mean they didn’t reverse the transaction… Same as with any other scam.

You have absolutely no idea what actually happened.

I bet if you did a little fundraiser for your guildie, people might be willing to pitch in and help replace some of the gold they lost. I’m sure they honestly don’t even want to play Wow anymore and that sucks.

Yes it does… because reversing the transaction would be helping her. A reverse of the transaction would mean that she gets the gold back and the seller gets his potion back.

None of us do. We’re going off what the OP said. And the OP says that the reverse didn’t happen, as indicated by her statement here:

Reversing wouldn’t help her, so this means that Blizzard didn’t reverse it.

There’s nothing more for me to say about this. The Op’s friend should have double checked the prices. Blizzard did not, will not, and in my opinion, should not, step in when it comes to situations like this. It’s a free market and sellers should be able to sell at whatever price they want.

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They have stepped in with other scams.

No reason to think they wont step in here.

It’s been openly bragged about and still she somehow missed it? I mean it sucks but sounds like she needs to slow down buying things off the AH that’s not a tough one to miss. Hopefully this is lesson learned for her

Nothin much, sure I’ll watch one

Can you please give us some details on these scams because I’d really like to see the comparisons of whatever you’re talking about and OPs situation.

kek, maybe she should have paid more attention


Don’t move.

I’ll bring the ginger.

Fixed it for you.