Guildie got AH scammed, threatening to unsub and delete her account

I feel like we’re being a bit hard on the Beaver. After all, we were all 14 once

I read Fountainhead at 14. I didn’t come to my senses until around senior year. He’ll get there eventually

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I’m just glad to be part of Eonwe’s journey



I had to erase what I was writing here. It was funny, but I don’t need the ban.

Being mean on the forums is actually one of the few things that won’t get you banned apparently

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Well if you get a ban you can come back and whine about how unfair it is for some attention.

I’m always hard on the Beav.


Sorry, Eilonwy’s cloud of testosterone must have given me a contact high.

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It really does make you wonder why he thinks craigslist is not a thing anymore. :joy:


I guarantee you that has it’s limits. No one truly believes in absolute freedom of speech. The question is simply where each person/group draws their line

Actually, that’s not price gouging. That’s called a free market. Price gouging is when the limited supply of an item is predatorily used as justification to increase the price because the demand dictates it will still sell – specifically during times of dire need.


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The AH is like ebay – it’s a free market. As long as you recieve your item, it really isn’t a “scam.”

Anyway, there’s nothing Blizzard can really do here. They can’t just take the money back from the guy who sold the potions.

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We should try to convince him Google is defunct and everyone is just using Askjeeves again. Askjeeves needs more love

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Blizzard already changed it to sort by the buyout price.

Hes not wrong

Sure they can. They absolutely can, lol. Why would you think they couldnt???

Given that the AH is one of the most common methods of RMT trading I’d be surprised if high dollar trades/trades well over the norm aren’t already flagged. And they can reverse this trade just like they’d reverse it if you were RMT trading

Nope, no limits. Anything goes in my world.

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Because in their official CoC they even state that it’s on the buyer to double check AH prices.

The seller already took his gold apparently. It would be unfair to him, who is using the AH legitimately, to then lose the gold he earned.

This is irrelevant. There’s no RMT happening here.


If both prices were visible then it was not a scam.

i’d say the buyer was careless


Whatcha doin’ later, big boy?

You like gladiator movies?

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So you’re saying, in your opinion, based on your interpretation of their stated policy, they would be acting inconsistently if they reversed the transaction.

That’s a much different thing than “they can’t reverse the transaction.”

Ngl, I laughed, hard.
Godang man LOL.

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