Guildie got AH scammed, threatening to unsub and delete her account

Well guys, we cleaned up and I bid on a ton of Auctions and the one guy cancelled them all so I gasp made another ticket. Received a response within 20 minutes this time, fastest response in years. I reported the guy for zone disruption which is exactly what this is. Call it what you want.

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Karen, it’s been posted several times. Look the manager and corporate has already told you, you are wrong. More than once too.

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Yep, keep screaming for the manager Chad!

Thank you.

Yea and when it was ok people did it. Then it wasn’t and people got banned.

Kinda like IRL when new laws are introduced etc… currently the law is against you. Someday it might be in your favor. That is as they say, the way the ball bounces.

…and? Blizzard has consistently made their policy clear regarding the AH and if AND ONLY IF Blizzard decides to change their policy can we have a discussion about what is and isn’t a scam again.

But saying that Blizzard sometimes changes policy is a red herring. No one here is asking for Blizzard to treat this as a scam, they’re just kicking and screaming about how Blizzard didn’t agree with them that it is already a scam and that Blizzard does not and will not intend to change their mind on this.

It has been linked repeatedly, people aren’t going to keep doing your homework for you. Blizzard said it isn’t a scam, that’s that.

Lying is still a sin, no matter how many times you lie.

Which could always change in the future if they decided to change it for the betterment of the Classic community.

Change to BGs is just another example that could be given with regard to this.

And, by the way, the way it works in Retail is a huge improvement and doesn’t allow for the kinds of scams possible in Classic. And if it were changed in Classic, it wouldn’t affect anything regarding game-play in Classic.

It isn’t if that’s the hill you choose to die on. Which it is. People are bringing up the fact that Blizzard is okay with one thing but seem to forget that the company can and will change their policies depending on how dramatically the community is affected by it.

That’s nice. Until they do, there is no scam.

They aren’t scams.

The community isn’t “dramatically” affected by it, a few of you are throwing a tantrum over being lazy and not having someone kiss your scuffed knee when you fall over repeatedly because you didn’t tie your shoes.

The policy, as it has stood for over a decade, is that the AH is clear as crystal and all sales are final, so if you misclick, screw up, get lazy, or do anything otherwise stupid that is entirely your fault. If you’re arguing for complete babying, by all means, make a thread to CHANGE the policy. Otherwise you’re just arguing that someday, sometime, you may be vindicated… maybe and so that justifies crusading about non-scams.



Fire is hot.

Yes they are.

I beg to differ.

No they aren’t.

Yes they are.

Blizzard says you’re wrong.

Blizzard said we were wrong about Classic too.

“You think you do, but you don’t.”

Guess it’s a shame we never got…oh wait!

That’s not saying we’re wrong to want Classic, that’s saying “you have rose-tinted nostalgia goggles strapped to your face and you don’t remember all the things you hated or will hate having played Retail” and Blizzard was 100% correct.

These boards are filled daily with people mad that the game works a certain way that creates less than optimal experience that is now glaringly obvious that we’re a decade+ older and more experienced.

Kind of like the AH.

You clearly want a change that is unlike the TBC AH.

You thought you did, but you don’t.

Way to be emblematic of the very thing you said Blizzard was wrong about. That’s a fantastic self-own.

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But they still gave us what we wanted?

And looks like you’re playing the game that you’re saying were 100% correct about?

Sounds like someone’s has a lack of objectivity here…

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I think this back and forth has gone on long enough.

As mentioned before, the Auction House is considered a free market where players may price their wares how they like. This includes putting up items for a low bid but a very high buyout.

It also allows players to remove an auction from the AH if they wish (that is what the deposit fee is for). That is not considered a violation and most especially not Zone/Area Disruption. Sorry. Our Support staff generally will not comment on the validity of a report, only that it will be reviewed and appropriate actions taken based on our policies.

That isn’t to say that policy and functionality cannot change. If you are looking to see a change to how the Auction House functions, can be organized, etc… you’ll want to submit feedback to that effect.