Guildie got AH scammed, threatening to unsub and delete her account

no they didn’t. and they said you lack morals.

Some pills are hard to swallow, would you like a glass of water?

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Using a buyout feature on an item that’s highly priced is not a scam, that’s YOU the user being dumb and not checking the prices.

If it was a CoD mail with 5000g to trick a user, that’s more of a scam

a buyout option is just YOU not paying attention.


Yes they did.

They didn’t say this either, they said Blizzard isn’t here to police every intention of every player after they got done telling you they don’t care about intentions.

Reading is fundamental Arielba.


the reason they had to say they don’t care about intentions is because they had to concede that the intent is not moral.

…just making things up now?

The desperate need to score some kind of Pyrrhic victory is disconcerting to say the least.

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There’s no use talking to you when all you do is take little snippets of things out of context. Have a good day.


…repeat the truth at you and you insist on lying to win? Yeah, that does sound like a bad choice on your part.

Be honest or just go away, I don’t really care which.


Her opinion is > actual facts. According to her


It is classic conspiracy theory modeling:

  • Everyone agrees with me that X is bad!
  • Anyone that disagrees with me is wrong!

Utterly unfalsifiable tripe where anyone that supports her gets thanked and otherwise ignored, whereas anyone that doesn’t is proof of the worst things she’s already fighting against. The big tell is always a failure to justify a belief and instead it just gets rendered as “Well it is OBVIOUS” or “Only stupid people think otherwise” or some kind of similar variant.


My favorite part is where she claimed this thread won’t die because “a handful of people won’t admit it’s a scam.”

Blizz said it’s not. /thread


Except there was no scam. This is a case of not paying attention and demanding that the lack of attention and irresponsible behavior be protected.

IE Karen, your peanuts are peanuts and contain peanuts and not even the manager can make peanuts not be peanuts.


Exactly. 1500 posts of “it’s a scam” with hundreds of posts including posts from MVP and actual Blizzard GM saying it’s not a scam. So if we keep on Karening eventually corporate will agree and give the poster free game time and gold as compensation for these incompetent employees who don’t work here.


Sounds like that person was wrongfully banned and can appeal while you are using false reports on people.


There was also a point in time where it was perfectly fine for players to use input broadcasting software to mirrors keystrokes to multiple WoW game clients.

Then Blizzard gasp CHANGED their policy.

It’s almost like things change over time in order to support the health of the game and the needs of the players or something like that…

Until the policy changes that is a moot point and you’re wasting keystrokes.


If GMs were active like back in the day instead of the current automated system this pathetic guy would 100% get a suspension for all the false reporting.


post the full complete quote where blizzard said it was not a scam.

Actions speak louder than words. But also this…

The Auction House was set up with specific bid and buyout mechanics, with some checks to hopefully avoid mistakes and get folks to double-check their purchases

I can’t speak for our Development team, Maus. Generally speaking, they let the free market operate as a free market.