Guildie got AH scammed, threatening to unsub and delete her account




That’s why my report worked and your issue isn’t an issue. Big difference. Sadly I have spent enough time playing this game I know all the ins and outs. No Blizzard won’t interfere in AH purchases but they will get involved in the situation I described. I encourage everyone to go bid a s or even a g on these posts and IF they cancel them report them. Me and my son have been cleaning up since I showed him how to “beat the scammers” and the ones that keep canceling need to be reported.

It orders them by bid… Is it not doing that?

Just because you disagree with it does not mean its not working correctly.


ordering by bid has no use when you are simply buying out things.

Get an add-on and stop complaining, if you want to not have to pay any attention or have any accountability.

You are the only one stopping yourself…


Well on my server Thunderfury PvP you’ll be hard pressed to find some of these auctions in the sellers intended order because me and my son bid on every one we can find to hurt these players and increase our own wealth. Take their scam items for next to nothing and re post for less than everyone else, profit.


Karen stop making yourself the victim and solve your own problem. Mr. Manager blizzard doesn’t care, everything is very clear on how it works and if you don’t like it get yourself an addon and stop whining.


I doubt you even play WoW, just let the bot do it for you…

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TDS. Classic.

Rent free for eternity.


No actual mention of why its not a “fix” or that its working as intended…

Cause you know your wrong and can not actually argue those points…

Just keep repeating the same lies & refuse to do anything about your own issues…


Well so far we’ve learned that Trump is the one posting potions for 2500g. Who would have guessed.


I did not make a mistake. And no one is entitled to operate schemes to rip people off.

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The only ones scheming are the ones collectively acting like victims on these forums.


when people are only using the buyout option, and the only way to order things is with the bid price, then it’s broken, yes. pretty obvious.

most people fix this by using an AH addon. they are fixing the problem themselves. it would be nice if blizzard just fixed it too.

Reading this thread makes me wonder how some of you would react in the real world.

Scams exist IRL and you must be smart about it too, if you don’t pay attention and just zug through stuff then you will get scammed.

At the end of the day it’s user error, pay attention to what you’re buying or use an AH addon.


No one ripped anyone off. Blizzard has made that abundantly clear. You guys are so desperate to make this a moral issue and you can’t even define even a BASIC moral framework that this might fall under!

You and the rest are all just using (See: Trust Me Bro) as your evidence.

Take personal responsibility for your own actions.

…you should be more careful and stop buying the first item on a list that isn’t sorted to your preferences.

There. Easy. Just like Blizzard told you.


This is either a lie or a troll. Either way, your spew is irrelevant.

all we want is for people here to admit it’s a scam. they won’t do it. i agree that everyone has to be careful. but why? the reason is there are SCAMMERS out there. period.

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Working as intended is not broken…

Rofl… Your a great troll…


Blizzard said it wasn’t.