Guildie got AH scammed, threatening to unsub and delete her account

are you suggesting the seller intends for someone to purposefully buy 1 runecloth for 999g because it is a fair deal? cmon. please be honest. nobody can take this nonsense seriously.

Lets start from the beginning who got scammed? and how?

No I just think that’s important information to have given the topic at hand.

These people are the kind of people who drag you into court over 1 thing and when the judge says “dismissed” they bring up your statement from when you where 4 and someone asked you what you wanted to be when you grow up.

Yeah I wanted to be an astronaut…. That has no relevance on me owning a business and being sued because don’t sell the brand of products you like or you don’t like my price it refuse to shop someplace cheaper.

You can’t scam people within the confines of the rules and without lying.

Who cares? Intent doesn’t matter and the Blizzard post said exactly as much. You can’t infer intent from just an AH posting and so unless that poster tells you openly they want to defraud you (which defeats the purpose entirely) you literally cannot separate bad actors from good.

If your opinion is that only people who are bad do these things, that’s just you being a silly person.


What? Yes you can scam people within the rules lol. Should I repost the definition of the word scam again?

actually, in this case, you can. you’d have to take a position of purposeful ignorance to say otherwise.

Go back and read the OPs original post. Did the buyer in this situation have that happen? No, therefore it is not part of the discussion nor a factor to consider in the events.

This is moving the goal post nothing more. Now that we have an answer, you want to change the specifics of the situation to invalidate the answer.

How? The definition you posted had a whopping two words: “dishonest” and “scheme”

Since “scheme” is sometimes used to IMPLY dishonesty, it would be redundant to treat it as such here, so instead “scheme” just has the more mundane definition of “plan”.

That just leaves “dishonest” which requires a lie or deceit of some sort. AH postings cannot lie. They clearly show the item being sold, the seller’s name, the minimum/current bid price, and the buyout price if it has one. That’s it. There’s no fraud. There’s no deceit. There’s no lie.

So anyone playing by the rules of the AH is clearly posting auctions with their name attached with clearly marked bid and buyout amounts that do not change, are not fake, etc.

So no. I have no idea how you think you can scam someone within the confines of the rules.

Okay Grand Inquisitor, let’s see your reasoning…

“Anyone that disagrees with me is stupid!” Oh. Well. That’s disappointing.

So you have no idea other than your gut feeling? Nice.

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No I’m literally just saying it’s dumb not to ask given the topic at hand. It’s a reasonable consideration given that the people who post this kinds of auctions do not actually allow them to be bid on.

we know the intent because of the process of elimination.
there is no reasonable explanation for someone repeatedly putting up 1 runecloth for 999g buyout other than fishing for human error.

you’re the same type of person that would say if you got assaulted or taken advantage of physically you had it coming, etc. or “she shouldn’t have been wearing that short dress walking down the street after 8pm”.

Quit victim blaming.

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So posting a potion for 2500g with a low bid price to keep it near the similar items and hoping some one will accidentally buy it isn’t a dishonest scheme? Lol nice book you typed there. I’ll be back when I need help with my mental gymnastics

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I value a copper ore at 1000g.

Ill post it on the AH because I like the ore for 1000g.

If you agree with me and buy my copper for 1000g. I did not scam you. PERIOD


Moving on.

These purchases weren’t inflicted on anyone, they freely chose them. There is no victim here.

Nope! It is a perfectly honest scheme since you can clearly see everything being sold.

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great, except the people who do this scam also put up lots of copper ore for 10 silver each, or whatever the fair market value is. So please explain how that works. is there something special about that 1 copper ore you price at 1000g?

The main point is:

Did they break a rule that justifies reporting them?

The official answer is no. And reporting such behavior can actually get the reporter in trouble.

We can debate the moral aspects of this till we are all blue in the face. But it is not against the game rules to do and Blizzard will not intervene in the matter.

Well I hope one day it happens to you.

Have a great day! ::slight_smile:

Intent doesn’t matter to the blue for the purposes of his customer support job. It does matter for the purposes of this discussion, because it makes the seller a scammer.

all you have to do is say “yes, it is a scam. but i will continue to do it because blizzard said they won’t punish me for it”.

then the thread can end.