Guildie got AH scammed, threatening to unsub and delete her account

I have no idea what any of this has to do with dbags taking advantage of other people. My guess is . . . nothing?

And welcome to the real world where there are all kinds of people and attitudes. Folks have been doing things in online games since day one to get gold, items, etc. Such as Ninja looting, corpse camping, etc.

If you cannot deal with interacting with different kinds of people and some that will attempt to get gold from you, then maybe an MMO is not for you.

Its simple, but I guess I need to dumb it down for you more.

This game is rated 17+, meaning the players should be adult enough to know how to read, pay attention to what they are doing and be adults about when they make mistakes.

But based on the comments in this thread, perhaps the game should be modified down to “Safe for kids”, because this whole, reading what you are buying, thing is too difficult or scary for some players.

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So ninja looting is also okay.

That sounds a lot like the real world. And yet, only immoral dbags defend such behavior.

I’ll repost this:

3. Unsolicited Check Fraud

Have you ever received a check in the mail that you weren’t expecting? It could look like a rebate check or a refund for overpayment. Inspect the check thoroughly, paying close attention to any fine print on the front or back. There’s a chance that you are entering into a legally binding contract by signing the check and cashing it. Scammers use tactics like this to get you to authorize memberships, loans and other longer-term commitments that could cost you dearly.

It doesn’t matter that the teeny lettering on the back clearly states the terms of signing, it’s still a scam.

It’s seriously weird that anyone would defend some low life scammer.

Scummy people are garbage, however you claimed this was a scam, which isn’t the same.

Like I said, smooth brained posts.

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You can post your "Unsolicited Check Fraud " all you want, does not change the fact it does not apply here.

First, this is not an “Unsolicited” transaction. The seller did not send the buyer the injectors and demand payment. No the buyer came to the AH. So that part about unsolicited is wrong.

Second, nothing was “teeny lettering” here or intentionally obfuscated from the buyer. They even got a popup window asking if they are sure they wanted to buy it, with the total price clearly displayed prominently.

How about you go back and try again.


Sure it is. It’s intentionally done in an attempt to rip someone off.

Yes it does. The intent is to scam someone. It’s exactly the same.

Actually, if you scroll to the bottom of the page, you’ll see that the game is actually rated T for Teen. It’s not a 17+ game :wink:

That said, this poor thread.

I think that there will always be people who want to call this a scam or feel that it was a scam and that’s fine. You’re welcome to that opinion.

Earlier in the thread, someone alluded to people putting in tickets or that this was actually against the rules. As far as Blizzard is concerned, the AH is a free market and anyone can put any item up for any price. Blizz will not step in if someone overpays nor will they step in if you accidentally put a valuable item up for silver instead of gold.

We see similar threads every once in a while in the CS forums and Blizz has been very clear that they do not consider this a scam or a violation of their rules. Players need to exercise caution when making purchases. This has been confirmed over and over by Blizz employees there.

I know some will still disagree, but that’s at least the official Blizzard stance on this sort of mistake.

I can clearly see why this type of AH transaction is still around. If you read the AH posts you buy as well as you read these forum responses, it is clear why these transactions work.

Because I can.


Thank you for the clarification. I would still think at rated Teen, we can expect a certain level of maturity from players and the ability to accept mistakes made on their part and move on. Not to open tickets, demand refunds or in general believe some rule was broken.

No it isn’t. Stop wearing a blindfold while using the auction house.

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Of COURSE it’s clear. There will always be people in a hurry or naive or tired or STUPID. It doesn’t make the seller a saint. It’s a BS thing to do. It’s taking advantage of people and if you think that’s okay, there’s nothing left to be said.

It’s a scam. Blizzard doesn’t get to redefine things. That being said, Blizzard will do what Blizzard will do - it’s their game.

The disturbing part about all this is the players who continue to beat on the people who fall for this - calling them blind and stupid and dumb. Meanwhile the seller is venerated as a hero who is doing nothing more than teaching a life lesson.

It is to puke.

Yes it is. Learn what words mean.

Also, perhaps the seller is looking at it from the perspective of the real world.

I can buy an item online and if I do not need it now, shipping is cheap, but if I need it now, I can pay 4x to 5x more for the item to get expedited delivery.

Same here, if I can wait for it and do not need it now, I can bid the 1s, but if I need it now, I pay the 811g. It is all about how badly I want it now.

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Posting an item on the AH is not unsolicited, contains no contracts, and isn’t lying about anything.

Also, you really really need to not confuse laws.

Unsolicited LOANS are not a scam. That’s what the live checks are, they’re literally just unsolicited loan offers and if you take the money you’re bound by the terms of the express agreement. That’s not a scam. That’s you being a greedy idiot and cashing a check thinking you just got mailed several thousand dollars.

Actual check scams are these:

The reason this stuff is fraudulent is because it relies upon actual lies and fraudulent documents, not because someone didn’t read the fine print.

So no. You aren’t subject to a scam because you didn’t read the fine print and now are shocked to find you have duties you must perform under a contract you willingly (albeit stupidly) signed.

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Oh my god. Just stop.

That isn’t even close to what the seller is doing.

Words like reading buyout totals, and a confirmation box saying are you sure you want to purchase?

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Oh so you now claim to know what the seller’s intentions are. Do you have ESP and can read their mind and know their exact motives and reasoning?

If so, you need to start making money on that skill.